Monday, August 31, 2009

I Must Be A Naughty Boy

So we flew threw a Typhoon, yesterday, to get from Tokyo to Hyogo, where I am now! We have one more week in Japan, and I am ready to go. I get in and have a nice talk and dinner with a friend/cast mate! It was an enjoyable evening, except for we are not in Tokyo anymore, and everyone stares at me like an alien! I mean I am stopping traffic at it's feet, men, women, children, everyone! I started to feel a little insecure, but I realize they have never seen anyone who looks like me in this small town.

I get back to my room, because I have a crazy weekend, and decided to call down stairs and get a massage. Excitied to lay back and relax, and to move all the stress out of my body! In to my room, comes this little Japanese Lady who reeked of cigarette smoke! That was so annoying, but she seemed so friendly, and was very gracious! She told me to lay facing downwards. Uh Ouch, she started right into my body, and damn she was strong. I like a strong massage, but wow, this women almost had me crying again! She said "This OK", I said "No", a little softer", "I want to relax". Her softer was no softer at all, OUCH OUCH OWWWW! I just took deep breaths, maybe all my knots will be gone afterward. In time it got better, right up until SLAP! Hold up what just happened?, I thought to myself! Another Slap, this women just slapped my ass! No she didn't! This has to be a nightmare..Slap! Oh no she just did it again! In shock, and thinking I must have been a naughty boy! Why do I deserve a spanking? What is going on here? I thought this was a massage! OUCH!!!!!! Later, after I started to relax and enjoy the massage with my eyes closed, I started to day dream about the slap of my ass. I lost it, and started cracking up! I laughed so hard, the Japanese lady was so confused. I am laying on the table cracking up, because she just spanked me! I kept saying I am sorry, but I couldn't stop laughing. I laughed so hard I was crying! I stop the massage,and said "Sorry Boo, I have to end this massage". Yes I called her Boo, LOL, because I just couldn't stop laughing! I think GOD wanted me to smile, and let out more emotions! So he sent a crazy Japanese lady to give me the worst massage of my life, and a good old fashion spanking!

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