I woke up this morning first at 4 am, and forced myself back to sleep. Then I woke again at 6 am, got online for a while. I ended up going to the gym around 7 am! Oh the gym, you have to take off your shoes before entering the locker room. I was like what? Then when I saw how clean it was in there, I was like "Damn, we need to have this system in America"! I hate a dirty locker room! This morning with a tropical storm outside (earthquake yesterday, tropical storm today)! Rain pouring down so hard all over my head. It was absolutely in sane. I decided, to stay in until noon, cause that is when we met our translator to show us around the neighborhood, and the train system. It was great to walk around Tokyo, the streets are so small. With cobble stone, they drive on the same side of the street as us, although, the steering wheel is on the other side of the car. The architecture, isn't like anything I have ever seen. The cars look really progressive and cool! The city was awesome, and each corner you turned, you never knew what you were going to get!
A cast member and I, Venny Caranaza decide to venture out on our own. We went to the restaurant district, searching for food. Had no idea what type of restaurant anything was, cause nothing was in English. Hmmm, ennie mennie minne moe, you restaurant over there. Chinese food, mmmm, we go inside and have a seat. Our waitress was very friendly, but, we sit down to order, and couldn't read anything on the menu. They had to bring out the picture menu for us to look at the food, and just pick. That was difficult, because I couldn't tell if it had chicken or beef in the picture. (Dinner/Menu posted Photo Above) We tried to communicate in the worse broken English ever. Finally we pointed to the picture and in broken English, asked for chicken in it. Out came this meal with two dumplings, a bunch of noodles with chicken, what tasted like a seaweed salad, soup of some sorts, and a crazy looking desert. After all of that, the food, was Divine! Well, except the desert which looked like eggs in some water, with a little mango floating around in it. Venny loved, the desert, but I didn't, YUK!
Next journey of the day, was the grocery store. That was so interesting, cause I couldn't read what anything was, that I was buying. And no one spoke any English. Venny and I laughed as we walked through the very tiny grocery store. In the end I bought some food, but the cashier was funny..Just talking really fast in Japanese. I just continued to speak in English (Ignorant American) and smiled, I think I even bowed.
Then off to the Tokyo Tower, which was like the Eiffel Tower but Red! We looked at that, then went across the street to these Small little Buddhist Temples, and walked thru this beautiful lake, and followed this path through the garden, and ending up at this huge Buddhist temple. We walked up the stairs into the temple, and Venny and I both gasped. The smell of incense in the air, it was stunning in there. No worries I video taped the experience, and have tons of pictures. We sat and prayed for a while, well, they prayed to Buddha, and i prayed to GOD! Watched the men and women as they entered. They bowed said a pray, put some incense dust into the burning fire, and threw money in this thing made of wood. Then bowed again and walked and sat. It reminded me of the catholics, lighting a candle, and the whole holy water thing, the bow, the son, father, holy ghost thing, in the entrance.
OK OK freaked out now..A really well, huge earthquake, well, bigger than yesterday, just happened..I'm alone in my room, it is 5;12 am. Everything is shaking like crazy! So I go out into the hall to be comforted by other cast mates. OK we are all are freaked out. GOD I don't know if I can take the earthquake every single evening. This is getting to be a little too much for me. Panicking a little. Well, you have to understand this just happened. AHHHHHHHHHHH! Still a little bit of shakes, well, aight I'm going to try and calm down now!
Let's talk about something else, well, last night when I got home, and I was just supposed to take a nap, and my nap fell into a long sleep. Now I am up at 1:47 am. I missed my cast mates BDay party that I was really looking forward to going too. OPPS, and now that I didn't stay up, I'm thrown back to square one. I have to do better tomorrow!!!!!! Wish me luck, More pictures and video's to come soon!
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