Friday, August 21, 2009


It was like I was back in Boston, at dorm 32, on The Fenway Street! To watch Adam Pascal and Anthony Rapp again onstage in a musical, that changed my life! It was an extraordinary thing to see! The show was so inspiring, and I was so happy when I left the theater. Although I didn't enjoy every performance, there were some amazing amazing amazing people on that stage. They told the story with heart, and I saw some great new choices made by the actors! The music just gets me, all through my body! I can't imagine what more we would have from Jonathon Larson if he was still alive today! That man was genius, and died way to soon. I even had a huge tear fall down my face at Angels death, and hearing Michael McElroys reprise of I'll Cover You! Damn, Michael McElroy can sang his pretty face off! It was a nice evening, and we all hung out, Rent Cast and A Chorus Line Cast! We drank, and applauded each other's performance, (as they came to see our show in the afternoon), and drank some more! I made new friends that night, and enjoyed some great company! A night in Japan I will never forget!

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