Sunday, August 16, 2009


I love to learn and just embark into a new culture. Japan is not like any place I have seen or been in the world. There rules are so different than most other places. And they actually try and follow the rules. No eating in public is a hard one for me. If I get a sandwich, or leave the house with a banana I want to eat on the move. You won't find any trash cans around either, because they carry there own bags! They are good about recycling and wait until they get home, and put the trash into the proper bends..It is amazing here, and the people are so nice, and everyone is humble! Fashion is everywhere, and people wear what they want and when they want to wear it! The great part is no one judges you, it is a place where you can really be who and what you want to be! Lot's of girls dressed like school girls, cheerleaders, and little bow peep! The guys are kind of grungy with a hint of a cowboy boot! LOL

Now to the weird things that I just find a little strange. All the women who walk around in the day with a umbrella. It drives me crazy, and I almost get poked in the eye walking the crowded streets like 4 times a day. They do this because of skin color, being light skinned is so important to them. They do not want even a hint of a tan, and they will walk around with an umbrella even if it is cloudy out! They are not playing, you hear me???? NOT PLAYING AT ALL!!!!! When in America we run to the tanning bed!!!!!

The other weird fad they have going on here in Tokyo right now, is that SOME not so handsome men of the country. Buy these life like dolls, and walk around with them. They talk to it on the train, and sit it next to them at dinner! HUH? No one judges them, and laughs. I think they look crazy, however I'm just glad it isn't a rubber blow up doll they walk around with. That would be trouble in the bed room as well. Hey, If you like it--I love it!

Lastly it is so amazing how they view theater actors,and treat us like stars. They want to take a picture with you outside, and your autograph. Which happens in the states as well, but usually from crazy folks and children only! They come to the show, and are very quiet through the whole thing. No laughs at jokes, hardly any applause, and it is very hard for us to play to. The end of the show hits, and you can't get them to leave the theater, they sit there just clapping and clapping and clapping! I'm like boo, I'm already dressed and out the door, and you are still in the audience clapping. It is so sweet, and thus far a very interesting culture!!!

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