Wednesday, September 2, 2009

This American Boy Heart is Beating!

The heart pounds so hard, and so many times a day! I am extra sensitive this week, as I think it is due, to the fact I'm ready to leave Japan. I find myself doing anything, that says I Am An American Boy on it! My heart raced as I walked into Universal Studios the other day! Heart pounded as everything was written in English, and all the rides/scenery looked just like L.A.! My heart was happy to have McDonald's for breakfast. Yesterday, my heart made me shop in Japan at all the American Stores in the Mall, such as Banana Republic. I rebel against the Japanese culture! My heart is beating for an American Bed, American Food, American Shopping, and Speaking English! I'm going to run straight to Chipotle, in Chelsea New York as soon as put my bags down! I can smell the steaming Burrito here in Japan! MMMMM, I can't wait, I am craving it so bad. My heart is beating for a place where I can show my tattoo, and have a great work out, and not be the biggest dude in the gym. I can't wait to go to an American Gym, and get back into shape! AHHHH bliss is right around the corner. I can't wait to have dinner, with my closes friends in the world. My heart beats hard for there voices, and great conversation. I have so much to catch up on! Oh I just can't wait to get off that plane, and turn the corner to my place in Chelsea New York City! To see all the beautiful people walking around the streets. My heart beats to flirt on the train, to flirt at a bar, to just be flirted with! To not be stared at because I'm different looking. To see so many Americans just going through everyday life. My heart is beating so fast right now, and I close my eyes and feel the American Soil so close to my future!

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