Sunday, August 9, 2009


I made it safely into Tokyo Japan, and boy do I feel so foreign. They have pulled out the red carpet for us, and everyone is so accommodating, and treating us like stars. It is interesting to be the only African American man on the streets. People look like they want to just touch my skin. The 14 hour flight was not that bad at all. They kept putting food in my mouth,which was great for me. Thank GOD I downloaded tons of t.v. and movies on my computer, cause that kept me very busy. I'm so tired right now, and can barely keep my eyes open, but I vow to stay up until 9pm, so I can get this thing started right. Driving into Tokyo City from the Airport, was very thrilling! I now understand why Asians take so many pictures when they come to the states. I was doing the same thing, snapping, pictures of everything in sight! I'm excited for this day to be over, so I can really try and explore tomorrow!

Oh I forgot at my first dinner, tonight in Tokyo, (sushi of course, which I didn't really like...I guess I'm a dumb American who likes American Sushi! LOL)! Well, back to my story, we were sitting at the table, and everything started to shake. We all look at each other, and my tired butt is thinking "Wheee This Is Fun", but I guess we had a small earthquake. Wow, and on my first day in the city!!!! I pray I don't experience a big one, the small one was good enough for me, and my adventure!

Quick Question before I say goodnight to you blog world. Should I try the toilet? Should I splash the water up my butt!? There are instructions in the bathroom, and I want to try it? Hmmm, haven't decided yet? What do you think?

I'm sorry if this blog entry doesn't make any sense, but it is 6:29 pm here in Tokyo, and 5 am New York City time...I want to be knocked out! I think I said that already...Well, goodnight, umm, not really I have to stay up remember. LATER BLOG WORLD!

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