Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Mr. Bill Clinton yesterday traveled too "Crazy North Korea", in attempt to finally free our girls stuck over there. If you remember I blogged about this tragedy a while back, check my archives under the title "News Alert"! At any rate, Bill Clinton just strolls up in North Korea, in his pimped out suit. Sits down has a conversation with Korean Government. Which is interesting because he did Hilary's job as the secretary of state. This was her one big gig, and she sent her husband in. HMMMMMM...interesting....??? At any rate, that man walks in and hours later, walks onto a plane with Euna Lee, and Laura Ling (Lisa Ling's sister), just boarding that plane like nothing. I was so worried for Euna and Laura, they spent way too much time in a Labor Camp, and for basically, not committing any crime. WHEW, Bill Clinton is amazing and my hero. I still think he is the best president we ever had. Barack Obama is pretty awesome, but Bill is the mac daddy. No, I'm not talking about "the mac" in the sense of getting women. LOL Just the mac daddy of running this country. I'm glad he is secretly all up in Obama's camp. I hope Hilary gets another shot to prove herself...well, I'm sure she will! YAY My Hero, Bill Clinton, and much love to Laura and Euna's families! YAY AMERICA!!!!!

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