Wednesday, August 12, 2009


It is 7:52 am, and I am sitting in my room in Japan, the earth is moving again. My fourth day here, and experiencing my third earthquake. This earthquake this am, is pretty small, and it's like a ship swaying back and fourth. I sat just a second thinking, yay, no more earthquakes..WRONG!!!!!!! I'm just glad it wasn't as big as the last two.

Last night we had opening night in Tokyo Japan, and rehearsal all morning. My body was so sore after attempting to rehearse the show during the day. It just hurts, this show hurts, A Chorus Line Hurts LOL! Hey, guess what? I put on my blue mesh shirt and didn't complain at all. Maybe I'm finally getting use to the costume. The day yesterday was stresssful and interesting as my friend Jessica said "It feels like we never left", that was exactly how I was feeling. I realized yesterday, that we play some amazing city's these last three months. And I am USING A Chorus Line. I no longer, want to do the show anymore, I am officially here for the money, and the amazing cities/countries! The show itself, has run it's course with me. The thrill is definitely gone, and it is time for me to move on in my career. Yesterday, was my first day back to work, and I couldn't wait to get out there. LOL! Although it was opening night, and thrilling. FYI The theater is beautiful here in Japan, the people are amazing, and they loved the show! IT IS A 9 TO 5 JOB FOR ME NOW!

Shibuya area is the district where the theater is, walking from the train to the theater amongst so many people. It is very busy, and in this part of town you get the sense of how over populated Japan is. Although, it is a very cool area, beautifully lit up at night, BUT sometimes after the show, you just wanna stroll home, in peace and reflect on your day. Especially after three weeks on vacation, and trying to jump around twice in one day! I WASN'T READY! Leaving the stage door, signing so many autographs, and the Japanese going a little bit crazy over you. Interesting the way they view theater, and the people in it! I was so tired after rehearsal and the show, and the time difference. I made it through, but barely, I didn't even go to the opening night ceremony. I just couldn't... mind, body, and soul wouldn't allow me to go and experience which I'm sure was a lovely evening! I can't wait until it gets better, for me, but right when I get accustomed it will be time to go back to the states, and try all over again!

This last paragraph I am writing, because I just went to my facebook page, and had two inspirationally comments...A friend said "You are living the dream", and Another said "i'm proud of you, you go boy"! I don't want you to think after reading this blog entry that I take this for granted. I love that I am here, I am blessed to be working, and I am proud of myself too..I don't take any of this dream lightly. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE, and wouldn't change anything! Just ready to move on to a new project!!!!!!!

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