Yesterday Morning, when I got home I decided to start my bidet adventure! I sat at the toilet, turned the volume way up, and pushed the bidet button. I closed my eyes, cause for some reason I thought water was going to slap my booty hole hard and furiously! NO, it came out warm and soft, BUT it didn't reach my booty, it hit my balls! WHAT? How do I get it to hit my booty? I was so frustrated, and confused! I didn't think the bidet cleaned your balls! HMMMMMM?
Later, after talking to friends in the cast about there bidet experience, I found out that the bidet is for women and the shower is for men! oooooooo! So last night, after using the bathroom, I decided to go on my adventure again. I turned the nob way up, and hit the shower button! Wow this was amazing, as the water trickled, nice, warm and refreshing! WHY DON'T THEY HAVE THIS IN THE STATES? It was so awesome, and I never felt cleaner in my life! This is the bomb, such a great options after whipping your booty! I'm sorry it is so graphic, but I will stop now, as I'm sure I got my point across!
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