Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I'm looking through this big glass window, sweat is pouring down my chest, and face! I look down and see all these beautiful odd shaped buildings. Many Japanese people running around the streets, so fast, but barely picking up there legs. I'm looking up at the stunning clouds, the sun poking its big old head out from under them. Watched the banzai looking trees, swaying back and forth..Admired the cleanness of the streets. It takes me to another world, and I began to day dream, as the music builds, and my pace starts to go faster. I'm loving life right now, and obsessed with the view outside! Fifteen minutes go by, and I see a young beautiful Asian lady behind me, and I'm back in reality! I'm on a treadmill at Gold's Gym in Tokyo Japan, getting yelled at! My fantasy is now over, and the music has stopped, and the view out of the big glass window is shut! The lady says to me "No Tattoo Please", and hands me this paper, that says something like Tattoo's are not allowed in this gym, unless it is covered up! We have the right to kick you the hell out here, if you have a uncovered tattoo! I'm mad, but it is there culture, and I have to follow the rules. So I go back into the locker room, and take off my shoes, cause I have to! Cussing this country out under my breathe, and change my Tank Top into a Tee Shirt (to cover my very small tattoo)! Almost put my shoes back on, then, remembered I couldn't, so carried them in my hands. Decided to stop and breathe, and say a prayer, cause I wasn't in a good place! PRAYING, Tee Shirt on, Shoes in Hand, Head bowed, right in the middle of the men's locker room...Went back out there, as nothing happened, (shoe's back on) and enjoyed the rest of my workout!

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