So we flew threw a Typhoon, yesterday, to get from Tokyo to Hyogo, where I am now! We have one more week in Japan, and I am ready to go. I get in and have a nice talk and dinner with a friend/cast mate! It was an enjoyable evening, except for we are not in Tokyo anymore, and everyone stares at me like an alien! I mean I am stopping traffic at it's feet, men, women, children, everyone! I started to feel a little insecure, but I realize they have never seen anyone who looks like me in this small town.
I get back to my room, because I have a crazy weekend, and decided to call down stairs and get a massage. Excitied to lay back and relax, and to move all the stress out of my body! In to my room, comes this little Japanese Lady who reeked of cigarette smoke! That was so annoying, but she seemed so friendly, and was very gracious! She told me to lay facing downwards. Uh Ouch, she started right into my body, and damn she was strong. I like a strong massage, but wow, this women almost had me crying again! She said "This OK", I said "No", a little softer", "I want to relax". Her softer was no softer at all, OUCH OUCH OWWWW! I just took deep breaths, maybe all my knots will be gone afterward. In time it got better, right up until SLAP! Hold up what just happened?, I thought to myself! Another Slap, this women just slapped my ass! No she didn't! This has to be a nightmare..Slap! Oh no she just did it again! In shock, and thinking I must have been a naughty boy! Why do I deserve a spanking? What is going on here? I thought this was a massage! OUCH!!!!!! Later, after I started to relax and enjoy the massage with my eyes closed, I started to day dream about the slap of my ass. I lost it, and started cracking up! I laughed so hard, the Japanese lady was so confused. I am laying on the table cracking up, because she just spanked me! I kept saying I am sorry, but I couldn't stop laughing. I laughed so hard I was crying! I stop the massage,and said "Sorry Boo, I have to end this massage". Yes I called her Boo, LOL, because I just couldn't stop laughing! I think GOD wanted me to smile, and let out more emotions! So he sent a crazy Japanese lady to give me the worst massage of my life, and a good old fashion spanking!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Dear Friend
Dear Friends and Blogger Buddies
To you who have been so kind, and have encouraged me through out my life. I wanted to finally thank you, and I probably don't say it enough! I have so many friends, and at times of trial, I seem to realize even more how special you are! Thank you, so much, for making me laugh! Including you "Special Friend" who made me sad, you have challenged my life. I thank you for your support as well. You are amazing, and I called you lost friend, and you are not lost! You are always and will always be there for little J.R. To my other peeps, you know who you are, I hope I can do the same for you, that you have done for me and my spirit! I love you all! I know I am not always nice, and moody as heck! If you can handle all of that, you have to be a special person. LOL! You also know that when I love someone, as I do you, there is nothing I wouldn't do for my friends! I am loyal, Brutally honest, and hopefully inspirational! You guys, have given me, the same thing, and much more! May GOD bless and keep you, and until next time friends! Blogger Buddy's thanks for your support, even though, I have never met you, I appreciate your input whether positive or negative! Thank You Thank You Thank You!
Your Homie
J.R. Whittington
To you who have been so kind, and have encouraged me through out my life. I wanted to finally thank you, and I probably don't say it enough! I have so many friends, and at times of trial, I seem to realize even more how special you are! Thank you, so much, for making me laugh! Including you "Special Friend" who made me sad, you have challenged my life. I thank you for your support as well. You are amazing, and I called you lost friend, and you are not lost! You are always and will always be there for little J.R. To my other peeps, you know who you are, I hope I can do the same for you, that you have done for me and my spirit! I love you all! I know I am not always nice, and moody as heck! If you can handle all of that, you have to be a special person. LOL! You also know that when I love someone, as I do you, there is nothing I wouldn't do for my friends! I am loyal, Brutally honest, and hopefully inspirational! You guys, have given me, the same thing, and much more! May GOD bless and keep you, and until next time friends! Blogger Buddy's thanks for your support, even though, I have never met you, I appreciate your input whether positive or negative! Thank You Thank You Thank You!
Your Homie
J.R. Whittington
Sunday, August 30, 2009
I am still feeling a little blue, from yesterday, sadness when it happens in my life, takes a little longer than others, to get back up! Reflecting my life, is something I did all evening last night! Trying to see my future, is really hard and stressful! Relaxing and enjoying the ride, is something I will try to do! I want to just forget life, dating, and focus on J.R. and my career! I want to crawl up from under this dark room, and feel a blazing light shine upon me! Although, a good cry was something I needed, you see, I bottle everything up! I realized yesterday, I wasn't just crying about a friend, not wanting me. I was crying because of everything that has happened to me in the past year. All the deaths, I never cried about, everything, that I hold trapped in my heart. All the relationships that never worked out! All the tour, torture, I felt from my directors, and never cried about! All the gossip I heard someone say about me, that truly hurt my feelings, but I kept deep inside. All these things, lay trapped in me, and I never let them out! Yesterday was just the breaking point. The strong man, has broken down!
The rain hits Japan really hard today, and I know I have only one more thing left to do! One more thing, that will set me free from my sadness. Only one thing, can make me get up, and move from Tokyo to Hyogo, with a smile! Only this one thing, is left to do, and my heart is trying to take me away from the computer so I can do it! If you read my blog entries, and know anything about me, you know what I am about to do? If you don't, here is the answer to most of my problems! This thing is more powerful than my mom! This one thing is more comforting than any friend can ever be! PRAYER!!! GOD IS THE KEY, CONVERSATIONS WITH GOD. Now I have to run to my knee's with a little gospel music playing in the background, and close my eyes. I need to give my savior all the praise and glory, he so deserves. I need to tell him all my fears, pains, and stresses in my life. Nothing, can be done, and I can't feel whole without this one last step!
The rain hits Japan really hard today, and I know I have only one more thing left to do! One more thing, that will set me free from my sadness. Only one thing, can make me get up, and move from Tokyo to Hyogo, with a smile! Only this one thing, is left to do, and my heart is trying to take me away from the computer so I can do it! If you read my blog entries, and know anything about me, you know what I am about to do? If you don't, here is the answer to most of my problems! This thing is more powerful than my mom! This one thing is more comforting than any friend can ever be! PRAYER!!! GOD IS THE KEY, CONVERSATIONS WITH GOD. Now I have to run to my knee's with a little gospel music playing in the background, and close my eyes. I need to give my savior all the praise and glory, he so deserves. I need to tell him all my fears, pains, and stresses in my life. Nothing, can be done, and I can't feel whole without this one last step!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
My friend last night called me out on a few things! I was being very insecure and petty, about a situation, and I respect my friend so much for making me see the light! I don't want to be that person, that hates on others, because of my own insecurities, and fears. This was something I thought about for a while! Thanks for having a friend, that I can trust to call me out!
Last night I saw two very special cast mates perform there original music, at a small little club in Japan! Not only did I enjoy the music, but the scene made me want to fall in love again! I came out of there with a new out look on life, and love! These two sang songs about love, one about missing her love. The other about the love that was standing right next to him. My face froze, my heat pounded, as tears slowly rolled down my cheek. The music was playing all through my body, and the sounds of there angelic voices roared through my heart! When it was all done, I realized I want to fall in love!!!
Lost a Friend:
For so long, I have had a small crush on a friend, OK a huge crush, LOL, which is a strange place to be in! Last night, I opened my heart, and told the friend how I felt! The friend, didn't respond the way I wanted them too. It was a very interesting exchange, the words, crushed my heart, and tore it into pieces! I lost a friend, but gained freedom! I feel free, I don't feel locked up anymore. I finally let the cat out of the bag! Although, it didn't turn out in my favor, I'm no longer locked to a secret, and strange feelings.
I am so happy today, because I have grown about 3 inches! Last night, the tears, and crushed heart. Now I am stronger than ever, and ready to move on with my life! GROWTH, growing, learning, transitioning!!!! GOD is an awesome GOD, and I know, all these trials and searching is for a good reason! I know that LOVE will come to me soon. I'm confident, that time heals everything! If you look at me from the outside today, you may see a tear, and you may see sadness, but underneath it all the growth equals happiness.
My friend last night called me out on a few things! I was being very insecure and petty, about a situation, and I respect my friend so much for making me see the light! I don't want to be that person, that hates on others, because of my own insecurities, and fears. This was something I thought about for a while! Thanks for having a friend, that I can trust to call me out!
Last night I saw two very special cast mates perform there original music, at a small little club in Japan! Not only did I enjoy the music, but the scene made me want to fall in love again! I came out of there with a new out look on life, and love! These two sang songs about love, one about missing her love. The other about the love that was standing right next to him. My face froze, my heat pounded, as tears slowly rolled down my cheek. The music was playing all through my body, and the sounds of there angelic voices roared through my heart! When it was all done, I realized I want to fall in love!!!
Lost a Friend:
For so long, I have had a small crush on a friend, OK a huge crush, LOL, which is a strange place to be in! Last night, I opened my heart, and told the friend how I felt! The friend, didn't respond the way I wanted them too. It was a very interesting exchange, the words, crushed my heart, and tore it into pieces! I lost a friend, but gained freedom! I feel free, I don't feel locked up anymore. I finally let the cat out of the bag! Although, it didn't turn out in my favor, I'm no longer locked to a secret, and strange feelings.
I am so happy today, because I have grown about 3 inches! Last night, the tears, and crushed heart. Now I am stronger than ever, and ready to move on with my life! GROWTH, growing, learning, transitioning!!!! GOD is an awesome GOD, and I know, all these trials and searching is for a good reason! I know that LOVE will come to me soon. I'm confident, that time heals everything! If you look at me from the outside today, you may see a tear, and you may see sadness, but underneath it all the growth equals happiness.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Make Me Alive!
Someone To Hold You To Close! Someone To Hurt You To Deep! Someone To Sit In Your Chair and Ruin Your Sleep!
Someone To Need You to Much! Someone To Know You To Well! Someone To Pull You Up Short! To Put You Through Hell!
Someone You Have To Let In! Someone Whose Feelings You Spare! Someone Who Like It or Not, Will Want You To Share A Little A Lot! Someone To Crowd You With Love. Someone To force You to Care! Someone Who Will Make You Come Through! Will Always Be There as Frightened as you, of being alive!!!! BEING ALIVE!
Written by Stephen Sondheim:
That is how I feel today! Just thought I should let you bloggers in on it!
Someone To Need You to Much! Someone To Know You To Well! Someone To Pull You Up Short! To Put You Through Hell!
Someone You Have To Let In! Someone Whose Feelings You Spare! Someone Who Like It or Not, Will Want You To Share A Little A Lot! Someone To Crowd You With Love. Someone To force You to Care! Someone Who Will Make You Come Through! Will Always Be There as Frightened as you, of being alive!!!! BEING ALIVE!
Written by Stephen Sondheim:
That is how I feel today! Just thought I should let you bloggers in on it!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
NO Way, I'm Not Eating That
My friend Michael came to town all the way from Boston, just to see me, well, to see Japan! I wish it was just to see me, but I'm sure I'm part of the equation some how! Well, he was very jet lagged, and I wanted to make him attempt to stay up to get on schedule, because he has a very short time here in Japan. I decided, because he was hungry, and so was I, to go out and find us a restaurant that caught our eyes. He picked one that looked kinda of interesting, but as soon as we walked inside I said "This place stinks"! He said " I don't smell anything, and let's just try it"! So we sit down, for our meals, and the waitress comes over, and doesn't speak any English. We point to a dish that looks like in the picture, some chicken! We say "Chicken"? and she says "No heal and Foot of cow! I said "Oh Hell No"! Then we found another picture that looked like pork, and we said "Pork"? She proceeded to pull out her tongue and point to it, then close her mouth, and say "Tongue"! I grab my bag and wallet. I point to the door, and walk swiftly out of there. All they could see was ass and elbows, cause that is how fast I ran out of that door!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
I Want To Use a Fork Please!
OK this blog entry is going to be real random, but I have to write briefly about it! I don't want no rice, I don't want no fish, and I don't want anything that resembles Asian cuisine! UGH!!!!!! I think I'm turning into a sushi roll! I also don't want no Pringles that taste like an American hamburger, or New York City hot dog! What about plain Pringles or Sour Cream and Onion? I don't want to guess what kind of meat I'm biting into! I definitely don't want an egg with every meal! I want to use a fork please!!!!!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Memoirs of A Geisha
One of the reasons I was excited about Japan was to take a trip to Kyoto to see a real life Geisha! I know that is weird, but it is something that I have been fascinated with since I read the book "Memoirs Of A Geisha"! Then, seeing Rob Marshal's very visually beautiful movie, I knew I would one day have to visit Kyoto! I also have read many books on there culture, and this bizarre tradition, is still alive in Kyoto! This trip was a must for J.R. Whittington!
I finally took a trip (Sunday evening after my show and stayed the night) spent the full day off in Kyoto! As I arrived, I had other tourist sites to see such as Monkey Mountain (Amazing) and beautiful shrines and temples. If you know anything about a Geisha they don't leave there Okea's until dusk! So I knew after being a tourist, I had to run over to Gion Corner, to go find me a Geisha! Gion Corner still looked like old Japan, filled with many restaurants, great architecture, and tea houses everywhere! Almost 15 minutes after standing in Gion Corner, I saw a group of people with camera's running like the paparazzi down this long alley way! There were two Geisha coming up it, and I ran too, and saw a true Geisha, and her Mikeo, which is a young soon to be Geisha in training! I was so excited to see them, and star struck as if Madonna had just walked by me! I took a couple of pictures, feeling like the paparazzi, The Geisha run from tea house to tea house, trying not to get there picture taken. I felt bad afterwards, but I just had to. I waited forever to see a Geisha, and I needed proof that I had seen one.
As it got later and later, I watched about 10 Geisha walk around, and loved the culture of it all! It is so interesting, and they are so mesmerising! A TRUE GEISHA IS NOT A PROSTITUTE, THEY DO SALE THERE VIRGINITY TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER, BUT THEY ONLY SLEEP WITH ONE MAN. KINDA LIKE AN ARRANGE MARRIAGE, THEY ENTERTAIN FOR THE MOST POWERFUL PEOPLE IN JAPAN, AND THAT IS HOW THEY MAKE MONEY! SEX IS NOT ALLOWED, ONLY WITH THERE DONA! I just wanted to clear that up, if you are reading this post..
The night was perfect and beautiful, and then at 7pm, the unthinkable was about to happen. Two young Mikeo walked up the street, they were about to dance at the Gion Corner Theater! The two young Mikeo knew one of the ladies I had just met, and was speaking with. She had been studying Geisha culture, for three years now, and informed me on so much information..She told the young Mikeo that I was in A Chorus Line, and low and behold the beautiful young Mikeo posed with me in a picture. My trip to Kyoto was complete, and I felt so special, and watching all the people in the area gag, because I got a picture with a soon to be Geisha! This was a dream come true!
Friday, August 21, 2009
It was like I was back in Boston, at dorm 32, on The Fenway Street! To watch Adam Pascal and Anthony Rapp again onstage in a musical, that changed my life! It was an extraordinary thing to see! The show was so inspiring, and I was so happy when I left the theater. Although I didn't enjoy every performance, there were some amazing amazing amazing people on that stage. They told the story with heart, and I saw some great new choices made by the actors! The music just gets me, all through my body! I can't imagine what more we would have from Jonathon Larson if he was still alive today! That man was genius, and died way to soon. I even had a huge tear fall down my face at Angels death, and hearing Michael McElroys reprise of I'll Cover You! Damn, Michael McElroy can sang his pretty face off! It was a nice evening, and we all hung out, Rent Cast and A Chorus Line Cast! We drank, and applauded each other's performance, (as they came to see our show in the afternoon), and drank some more! I made new friends that night, and enjoyed some great company! A night in Japan I will never forget!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
I'm looking through this big glass window, sweat is pouring down my chest, and face! I look down and see all these beautiful odd shaped buildings. Many Japanese people running around the streets, so fast, but barely picking up there legs. I'm looking up at the stunning clouds, the sun poking its big old head out from under them. Watched the banzai looking trees, swaying back and forth..Admired the cleanness of the streets. It takes me to another world, and I began to day dream, as the music builds, and my pace starts to go faster. I'm loving life right now, and obsessed with the view outside! Fifteen minutes go by, and I see a young beautiful Asian lady behind me, and I'm back in reality! I'm on a treadmill at Gold's Gym in Tokyo Japan, getting yelled at! My fantasy is now over, and the music has stopped, and the view out of the big glass window is shut! The lady says to me "No Tattoo Please", and hands me this paper, that says something like Tattoo's are not allowed in this gym, unless it is covered up! We have the right to kick you the hell out here, if you have a uncovered tattoo! I'm mad, but it is there culture, and I have to follow the rules. So I go back into the locker room, and take off my shoes, cause I have to! Cussing this country out under my breathe, and change my Tank Top into a Tee Shirt (to cover my very small tattoo)! Almost put my shoes back on, then, remembered I couldn't, so carried them in my hands. Decided to stop and breathe, and say a prayer, cause I wasn't in a good place! PRAYING, Tee Shirt on, Shoes in Hand, Head bowed, right in the middle of the men's locker room...Went back out there, as nothing happened, (shoe's back on) and enjoyed the rest of my workout!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Well, I have been in Japan for about a week and a day now! I have eaten some food, that is so amazing to taste. Luckily I love Asian Cuisine! Today I made a list of my 5 favorite places to eat in Japan thus far! This list is for you Jen (You know Who You Are) cause you always have great lists on your blog entrees, and cause we both love love love to EAT!
5. The Tiny Noodle Shop Across The Street From The Theater! I'm sorry I don't know the name of it, because it is written in Japanese! It is literally a hole in the wall, it seats like 10 people, and is always crowded. This is the best noodles I have ever eaten, and you dip it into this yummy sauce that makes you wanna hit your daddy!
4. Pepper Steak, this is cool and like Japanese fast food. You go to a vending machine and you pick what you want to eat! You get a ticket, hand the server the ticket, and out comes your food. The twist is, it is not fully cooked, and it is on a sizzling plate, and you have to cook the rest of food until it is no longer pink, while adding all kinds of yummy sauce on top! This is cheap fun, and yummy to your tummy!
3. The Earl Thoughtful Food Gourmet Sandwiches! This place isn't even Japanese, a man from New Zealand who speaks English..Yay, owns this sandwich shop! MMMMMM it is the best sandwich in the world, he takes his time, and takes great care in making it! With so many seasonings...WHEW, it is out of this world!!!!!!
2. The number 2, is ghetto, but hey I am slightly ghetto..The seven eleven sushi!!!!!!! LOL! I tried sushi here in Japan, it all has wasabe in it,, and mayo! It is OK, but I don't love it! However, I am addicted to the sushi at seven eleven, I think I have the shrimp roll like once every evening! LOL!!!! Well? What more would you expect from me! Hey I'm not the only one, Brandon Tyler, from my cast loves it too!!!!!
1. Robataya, which is the best dining experience I have ever had in my life. This is traditional Japanese food and so freshly cooked right in front of your face!!! They sang and danced for us, and were so kind. This place is a little expensive. It's clientele included: Cameron Diaz, Brad Pitt, Britney Spears, and now J.R. Whittington. Truly an amazing and fun dinning experience!!!!
I have eaten at many other places here so far, that was pretty good. Many I can't read the names of , because it is in Japanese. It is interesting to go into a place to eat with your fingers crossed the whole time, because you can't read the menu. Thus far, besides a few deserts, I have not been disappointed!!!! MMMMMMMM
Well, I have been in Japan for about a week and a day now! I have eaten some food, that is so amazing to taste. Luckily I love Asian Cuisine! Today I made a list of my 5 favorite places to eat in Japan thus far! This list is for you Jen (You know Who You Are) cause you always have great lists on your blog entrees, and cause we both love love love to EAT!
5. The Tiny Noodle Shop Across The Street From The Theater! I'm sorry I don't know the name of it, because it is written in Japanese! It is literally a hole in the wall, it seats like 10 people, and is always crowded. This is the best noodles I have ever eaten, and you dip it into this yummy sauce that makes you wanna hit your daddy!
4. Pepper Steak, this is cool and like Japanese fast food. You go to a vending machine and you pick what you want to eat! You get a ticket, hand the server the ticket, and out comes your food. The twist is, it is not fully cooked, and it is on a sizzling plate, and you have to cook the rest of food until it is no longer pink, while adding all kinds of yummy sauce on top! This is cheap fun, and yummy to your tummy!
3. The Earl Thoughtful Food Gourmet Sandwiches! This place isn't even Japanese, a man from New Zealand who speaks English..Yay, owns this sandwich shop! MMMMMM it is the best sandwich in the world, he takes his time, and takes great care in making it! With so many seasonings...WHEW, it is out of this world!!!!!!
2. The number 2, is ghetto, but hey I am slightly ghetto..The seven eleven sushi!!!!!!! LOL! I tried sushi here in Japan, it all has wasabe in it,, and mayo! It is OK, but I don't love it! However, I am addicted to the sushi at seven eleven, I think I have the shrimp roll like once every evening! LOL!!!! Well? What more would you expect from me! Hey I'm not the only one, Brandon Tyler, from my cast loves it too!!!!!
1. Robataya, which is the best dining experience I have ever had in my life. This is traditional Japanese food and so freshly cooked right in front of your face!!! They sang and danced for us, and were so kind. This place is a little expensive. It's clientele included: Cameron Diaz, Brad Pitt, Britney Spears, and now J.R. Whittington. Truly an amazing and fun dinning experience!!!!
I have eaten at many other places here so far, that was pretty good. Many I can't read the names of , because it is in Japanese. It is interesting to go into a place to eat with your fingers crossed the whole time, because you can't read the menu. Thus far, besides a few deserts, I have not been disappointed!!!! MMMMMMMM
Sunday, August 16, 2009
I love to learn and just embark into a new culture. Japan is not like any place I have seen or been in the world. There rules are so different than most other places. And they actually try and follow the rules. No eating in public is a hard one for me. If I get a sandwich, or leave the house with a banana I want to eat on the move. You won't find any trash cans around either, because they carry there own bags! They are good about recycling and wait until they get home, and put the trash into the proper bends..It is amazing here, and the people are so nice, and everyone is humble! Fashion is everywhere, and people wear what they want and when they want to wear it! The great part is no one judges you, it is a place where you can really be who and what you want to be! Lot's of girls dressed like school girls, cheerleaders, and little bow peep! The guys are kind of grungy with a hint of a cowboy boot! LOL
Now to the weird things that I just find a little strange. All the women who walk around in the day with a umbrella. It drives me crazy, and I almost get poked in the eye walking the crowded streets like 4 times a day. They do this because of skin color, being light skinned is so important to them. They do not want even a hint of a tan, and they will walk around with an umbrella even if it is cloudy out! They are not playing, you hear me???? NOT PLAYING AT ALL!!!!! When in America we run to the tanning bed!!!!!
The other weird fad they have going on here in Tokyo right now, is that SOME not so handsome men of the country. Buy these life like dolls, and walk around with them. They talk to it on the train, and sit it next to them at dinner! HUH? No one judges them, and laughs. I think they look crazy, however I'm just glad it isn't a rubber blow up doll they walk around with. That would be trouble in the bed room as well. Hey, If you like it--I love it!
Lastly it is so amazing how they view theater actors,and treat us like stars. They want to take a picture with you outside, and your autograph. Which happens in the states as well, but usually from crazy folks and children only! They come to the show, and are very quiet through the whole thing. No laughs at jokes, hardly any applause, and it is very hard for us to play to. The end of the show hits, and you can't get them to leave the theater, they sit there just clapping and clapping and clapping! I'm like boo, I'm already dressed and out the door, and you are still in the audience clapping. It is so sweet, and thus far a very interesting culture!!!
Now to the weird things that I just find a little strange. All the women who walk around in the day with a umbrella. It drives me crazy, and I almost get poked in the eye walking the crowded streets like 4 times a day. They do this because of skin color, being light skinned is so important to them. They do not want even a hint of a tan, and they will walk around with an umbrella even if it is cloudy out! They are not playing, you hear me???? NOT PLAYING AT ALL!!!!! When in America we run to the tanning bed!!!!!
The other weird fad they have going on here in Tokyo right now, is that SOME not so handsome men of the country. Buy these life like dolls, and walk around with them. They talk to it on the train, and sit it next to them at dinner! HUH? No one judges them, and laughs. I think they look crazy, however I'm just glad it isn't a rubber blow up doll they walk around with. That would be trouble in the bed room as well. Hey, If you like it--I love it!
Lastly it is so amazing how they view theater actors,and treat us like stars. They want to take a picture with you outside, and your autograph. Which happens in the states as well, but usually from crazy folks and children only! They come to the show, and are very quiet through the whole thing. No laughs at jokes, hardly any applause, and it is very hard for us to play to. The end of the show hits, and you can't get them to leave the theater, they sit there just clapping and clapping and clapping! I'm like boo, I'm already dressed and out the door, and you are still in the audience clapping. It is so sweet, and thus far a very interesting culture!!!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
I USED THE BIDET! (read at your own risk)
Yesterday Morning, when I got home I decided to start my bidet adventure! I sat at the toilet, turned the volume way up, and pushed the bidet button. I closed my eyes, cause for some reason I thought water was going to slap my booty hole hard and furiously! NO, it came out warm and soft, BUT it didn't reach my booty, it hit my balls! WHAT? How do I get it to hit my booty? I was so frustrated, and confused! I didn't think the bidet cleaned your balls! HMMMMMM?
Later, after talking to friends in the cast about there bidet experience, I found out that the bidet is for women and the shower is for men! oooooooo! So last night, after using the bathroom, I decided to go on my adventure again. I turned the nob way up, and hit the shower button! Wow this was amazing, as the water trickled, nice, warm and refreshing! WHY DON'T THEY HAVE THIS IN THE STATES? It was so awesome, and I never felt cleaner in my life! This is the bomb, such a great options after whipping your booty! I'm sorry it is so graphic, but I will stop now, as I'm sure I got my point across!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
It is 7:52 am, and I am sitting in my room in Japan, the earth is moving again. My fourth day here, and experiencing my third earthquake. This earthquake this am, is pretty small, and it's like a ship swaying back and fourth. I sat just a second thinking, yay, no more earthquakes..WRONG!!!!!!! I'm just glad it wasn't as big as the last two.
Last night we had opening night in Tokyo Japan, and rehearsal all morning. My body was so sore after attempting to rehearse the show during the day. It just hurts, this show hurts, A Chorus Line Hurts LOL! Hey, guess what? I put on my blue mesh shirt and didn't complain at all. Maybe I'm finally getting use to the costume. The day yesterday was stresssful and interesting as my friend Jessica said "It feels like we never left", that was exactly how I was feeling. I realized yesterday, that we play some amazing city's these last three months. And I am USING A Chorus Line. I no longer, want to do the show anymore, I am officially here for the money, and the amazing cities/countries! The show itself, has run it's course with me. The thrill is definitely gone, and it is time for me to move on in my career. Yesterday, was my first day back to work, and I couldn't wait to get out there. LOL! Although it was opening night, and thrilling. FYI The theater is beautiful here in Japan, the people are amazing, and they loved the show! IT IS A 9 TO 5 JOB FOR ME NOW!
Shibuya area is the district where the theater is, walking from the train to the theater amongst so many people. It is very busy, and in this part of town you get the sense of how over populated Japan is. Although, it is a very cool area, beautifully lit up at night, BUT sometimes after the show, you just wanna stroll home, in peace and reflect on your day. Especially after three weeks on vacation, and trying to jump around twice in one day! I WASN'T READY! Leaving the stage door, signing so many autographs, and the Japanese going a little bit crazy over you. Interesting the way they view theater, and the people in it! I was so tired after rehearsal and the show, and the time difference. I made it through, but barely, I didn't even go to the opening night ceremony. I just couldn't... mind, body, and soul wouldn't allow me to go and experience which I'm sure was a lovely evening! I can't wait until it gets better, for me, but right when I get accustomed it will be time to go back to the states, and try all over again!
This last paragraph I am writing, because I just went to my facebook page, and had two inspirationally comments...A friend said "You are living the dream", and Another said "i'm proud of you, you go boy"! I don't want you to think after reading this blog entry that I take this for granted. I love that I am here, I am blessed to be working, and I am proud of myself too..I don't take any of this dream lightly. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE, and wouldn't change anything! Just ready to move on to a new project!!!!!!!
Last night we had opening night in Tokyo Japan, and rehearsal all morning. My body was so sore after attempting to rehearse the show during the day. It just hurts, this show hurts, A Chorus Line Hurts LOL! Hey, guess what? I put on my blue mesh shirt and didn't complain at all. Maybe I'm finally getting use to the costume. The day yesterday was stresssful and interesting as my friend Jessica said "It feels like we never left", that was exactly how I was feeling. I realized yesterday, that we play some amazing city's these last three months. And I am USING A Chorus Line. I no longer, want to do the show anymore, I am officially here for the money, and the amazing cities/countries! The show itself, has run it's course with me. The thrill is definitely gone, and it is time for me to move on in my career. Yesterday, was my first day back to work, and I couldn't wait to get out there. LOL! Although it was opening night, and thrilling. FYI The theater is beautiful here in Japan, the people are amazing, and they loved the show! IT IS A 9 TO 5 JOB FOR ME NOW!
Shibuya area is the district where the theater is, walking from the train to the theater amongst so many people. It is very busy, and in this part of town you get the sense of how over populated Japan is. Although, it is a very cool area, beautifully lit up at night, BUT sometimes after the show, you just wanna stroll home, in peace and reflect on your day. Especially after three weeks on vacation, and trying to jump around twice in one day! I WASN'T READY! Leaving the stage door, signing so many autographs, and the Japanese going a little bit crazy over you. Interesting the way they view theater, and the people in it! I was so tired after rehearsal and the show, and the time difference. I made it through, but barely, I didn't even go to the opening night ceremony. I just couldn't... mind, body, and soul wouldn't allow me to go and experience which I'm sure was a lovely evening! I can't wait until it gets better, for me, but right when I get accustomed it will be time to go back to the states, and try all over again!
This last paragraph I am writing, because I just went to my facebook page, and had two inspirationally comments...A friend said "You are living the dream", and Another said "i'm proud of you, you go boy"! I don't want you to think after reading this blog entry that I take this for granted. I love that I am here, I am blessed to be working, and I am proud of myself too..I don't take any of this dream lightly. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE, and wouldn't change anything! Just ready to move on to a new project!!!!!!!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Day 3 Tokyo!
Today I woke up, and didn't even go to the gym..I just sat in my room, and had some fruit. I was so freaked out from last night's earthquake! I am fine now, and am finally on track with the time difference. Just in time, because tomorrow evening is opening night in Japan. We have a rehearsal in the morning, then the show in the evening. 5678, Here We Go!
I went with Anthony Wayne (Richie) to Old Tokyo Asakusa! It was alot of fun, with some great architecture and the oldest temple in Tokyo! We also had a great dinner there, which was even more difficult to order, because they didn't have an English Picture Menu. We had to fend for ourselves. The food was great, but again I hated the desert. I don't think asian deserts are my thing. Anthony is such a cut up, and we had so much fun, acting a fool together in the city. Asakusa was a good example of what Tokyo used to be! Everything was so small, and I hit my head very hard coming out of the bathroom door. LOL! The customs are so different, Anthony ordered some ice cream, and the yelled at him to eat it in the back..So we had to go to the back of the store while he ate. They frown upon walking around with food, it is very rude in there custom!
We ended our evening in Shinjuku, and this reminded me of a very modern, high technological version of New York City. It was full of lights, and many bars, and shops. This was very cool to see in the evening! The night life was interesting, there big clubs fit like 22 people inside them. Everything is downsized, very small, and so strange. I felt like I was on the set of Miss Siagon half of the time. We met a transgender on the streets, she introduced herself as an he/she...hmmm??? Funny!
Lastly, I pray for a goodnights sleep, NO EARTHQUAKES PLEASE!!!!! It's 12:27 am and feel good about going to bed at a normal hour tonight! I still haven't used "the wash my booty" thing in the bathroom. Maybe tomorrow?????LOL! GOODNIGHT BLOG WORLD!
Monday, August 10, 2009
Day 2 in Tokyo!
I woke up this morning first at 4 am, and forced myself back to sleep. Then I woke again at 6 am, got online for a while. I ended up going to the gym around 7 am! Oh the gym, you have to take off your shoes before entering the locker room. I was like what? Then when I saw how clean it was in there, I was like "Damn, we need to have this system in America"! I hate a dirty locker room! This morning with a tropical storm outside (earthquake yesterday, tropical storm today)! Rain pouring down so hard all over my head. It was absolutely in sane. I decided, to stay in until noon, cause that is when we met our translator to show us around the neighborhood, and the train system. It was great to walk around Tokyo, the streets are so small. With cobble stone, they drive on the same side of the street as us, although, the steering wheel is on the other side of the car. The architecture, isn't like anything I have ever seen. The cars look really progressive and cool! The city was awesome, and each corner you turned, you never knew what you were going to get!
A cast member and I, Venny Caranaza decide to venture out on our own. We went to the restaurant district, searching for food. Had no idea what type of restaurant anything was, cause nothing was in English. Hmmm, ennie mennie minne moe, you restaurant over there. Chinese food, mmmm, we go inside and have a seat. Our waitress was very friendly, but, we sit down to order, and couldn't read anything on the menu. They had to bring out the picture menu for us to look at the food, and just pick. That was difficult, because I couldn't tell if it had chicken or beef in the picture. (Dinner/Menu posted Photo Above) We tried to communicate in the worse broken English ever. Finally we pointed to the picture and in broken English, asked for chicken in it. Out came this meal with two dumplings, a bunch of noodles with chicken, what tasted like a seaweed salad, soup of some sorts, and a crazy looking desert. After all of that, the food, was Divine! Well, except the desert which looked like eggs in some water, with a little mango floating around in it. Venny loved, the desert, but I didn't, YUK!
Next journey of the day, was the grocery store. That was so interesting, cause I couldn't read what anything was, that I was buying. And no one spoke any English. Venny and I laughed as we walked through the very tiny grocery store. In the end I bought some food, but the cashier was funny..Just talking really fast in Japanese. I just continued to speak in English (Ignorant American) and smiled, I think I even bowed.
Then off to the Tokyo Tower, which was like the Eiffel Tower but Red! We looked at that, then went across the street to these Small little Buddhist Temples, and walked thru this beautiful lake, and followed this path through the garden, and ending up at this huge Buddhist temple. We walked up the stairs into the temple, and Venny and I both gasped. The smell of incense in the air, it was stunning in there. No worries I video taped the experience, and have tons of pictures. We sat and prayed for a while, well, they prayed to Buddha, and i prayed to GOD! Watched the men and women as they entered. They bowed said a pray, put some incense dust into the burning fire, and threw money in this thing made of wood. Then bowed again and walked and sat. It reminded me of the catholics, lighting a candle, and the whole holy water thing, the bow, the son, father, holy ghost thing, in the entrance.
OK OK freaked out now..A really well, huge earthquake, well, bigger than yesterday, just happened..I'm alone in my room, it is 5;12 am. Everything is shaking like crazy! So I go out into the hall to be comforted by other cast mates. OK we are all are freaked out. GOD I don't know if I can take the earthquake every single evening. This is getting to be a little too much for me. Panicking a little. Well, you have to understand this just happened. AHHHHHHHHHHH! Still a little bit of shakes, well, aight I'm going to try and calm down now!
Let's talk about something else, well, last night when I got home, and I was just supposed to take a nap, and my nap fell into a long sleep. Now I am up at 1:47 am. I missed my cast mates BDay party that I was really looking forward to going too. OPPS, and now that I didn't stay up, I'm thrown back to square one. I have to do better tomorrow!!!!!! Wish me luck, More pictures and video's to come soon!
Sunday, August 9, 2009


I made it safely into Tokyo Japan, and boy do I feel so foreign. They have pulled out the red carpet for us, and everyone is so accommodating, and treating us like stars. It is interesting to be the only African American man on the streets. People look like they want to just touch my skin. The 14 hour flight was not that bad at all. They kept putting food in my mouth,which was great for me. Thank GOD I downloaded tons of t.v. and movies on my computer, cause that kept me very busy. I'm so tired right now, and can barely keep my eyes open, but I vow to stay up until 9pm, so I can get this thing started right. Driving into Tokyo City from the Airport, was very thrilling! I now understand why Asians take so many pictures when they come to the states. I was doing the same thing, snapping, pictures of everything in sight! I'm excited for this day to be over, so I can really try and explore tomorrow!
Oh I forgot at my first dinner, tonight in Tokyo, (sushi of course, which I didn't really like...I guess I'm a dumb American who likes American Sushi! LOL)! Well, back to my story, we were sitting at the table, and everything started to shake. We all look at each other, and my tired butt is thinking "Wheee This Is Fun", but I guess we had a small earthquake. Wow, and on my first day in the city!!!! I pray I don't experience a big one, the small one was good enough for me, and my adventure!
Quick Question before I say goodnight to you blog world. Should I try the toilet? Should I splash the water up my butt!? There are instructions in the bathroom, and I want to try it? Hmmm, haven't decided yet? What do you think?
I'm sorry if this blog entry doesn't make any sense, but it is 6:29 pm here in Tokyo, and 5 am New York City time...I want to be knocked out! I think I said that already...Well, goodnight, umm, not really I have to stay up remember. LATER BLOG WORLD!
Thursday, August 6, 2009

Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Dating in 2009!!!!
My life is so crazy, with trying to figure out the path I should go. However, I do want to find my "soulmate" soon, because a brotha is not getting any younger. I do have options/offers out there. I want so many things in a relationship, and I'm very picky! I am a single male on tour, and dating is not an option right now for me. November 15, I will be moving back into the city! I think that is good time to attempt my dating life.....
I have been adviced on internet dating, hmmm? For some reason that scares me? But it is all over the place. I have two friends married from the interenet. Yesterday on "The Rachel Ray" show it is proving statistic that 75% of American's have met there mates online. WOW, that is a huge number, and I was really shocked by this information. I understand how hard it is to find the perfect match. I say what the hey? Why not try the interenet? I'm scared though, what if they don't look like there picture? Do you talk to the person for a long time on line before meeting? What are the rules? I'm going to take a leap of faith, and try my luck! What do you think?
I have been adviced on internet dating, hmmm? For some reason that scares me? But it is all over the place. I have two friends married from the interenet. Yesterday on "The Rachel Ray" show it is proving statistic that 75% of American's have met there mates online. WOW, that is a huge number, and I was really shocked by this information. I understand how hard it is to find the perfect match. I say what the hey? Why not try the interenet? I'm scared though, what if they don't look like there picture? Do you talk to the person for a long time on line before meeting? What are the rules? I'm going to take a leap of faith, and try my luck! What do you think?

Mr. Bill Clinton yesterday traveled too "Crazy North Korea", in attempt to finally free our girls stuck over there. If you remember I blogged about this tragedy a while back, check my archives under the title "News Alert"! At any rate, Bill Clinton just strolls up in North Korea, in his pimped out suit. Sits down has a conversation with Korean Government. Which is interesting because he did Hilary's job as the secretary of state. This was her one big gig, and she sent her husband in. HMMMMMM...interesting....??? At any rate, that man walks in and hours later, walks onto a plane with Euna Lee, and Laura Ling (Lisa Ling's sister), just boarding that plane like nothing. I was so worried for Euna and Laura, they spent way too much time in a Labor Camp, and for basically, not committing any crime. WHEW, Bill Clinton is amazing and my hero. I still think he is the best president we ever had. Barack Obama is pretty awesome, but Bill is the mac daddy. No, I'm not talking about "the mac" in the sense of getting women. LOL Just the mac daddy of running this country. I'm glad he is secretly all up in Obama's camp. I hope Hilary gets another shot to prove herself...well, I'm sure she will! YAY My Hero, Bill Clinton, and much love to Laura and Euna's families! YAY AMERICA!!!!!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Billy Elliott

I was very excited to arrive at the theater, I like to get there early to read the playbill, go to the bathroom, and people watch. When I walk down the aisle to find that I'm sitting 9 roles back on the center aisle! I was amazed and thrilled, and looking around me the place was jammed packed. It was so hard to get a ticket to Billy Elliott over my layoff. It was sold out almost every night I tried, but Saturday Matinee, they had three tickets available. I jumped at the chance to see my favorite movie live and converted into a musical.
I will begin this next paragraph, by stating that Billy Elliott is my new favorite musical of all times! That is a big statement, coming from a guy who has seen more musicals then most theater goers would dream of seeing. I was taking on a ride, like no other show, has ever taken me. The kids in the show were funny, honest, pure, and amazing. Tommy Batchelor (The Billy I saw) was the most beautiful young dancer, with an innocence, comic timing, and stage presence that adults with Broadway contracts don't have. An old school stage quality, that covered the audience, from the beginning to the end. There was one point when he messed up, (I'm sure the rest of the audience didn't know, but my eye picked it up immediately) He got a little off with the jump rope scene. The boy stayed right there in the moment with a smile on his face, and picked it right back up, a couple seconds later, right on cue! I commend those Billy Elliott's they have aerobic dance numbers in the show, that make the Cassie dance seem like she is just standing still. The rest of the company from the ensemble, principals, Will Chase, to the little girls, everyone was so brilliant! The staging of the show was amazing as well, and very different for a musical. I have never seen anything like it. Each set change had choreography that worked with the piece. It was very well constructed, not to mention the book has so much heart. You can't help but cry at some points. It was interesting because I usually like singer shows, when people are belting it out. No one up there is in this show for there voice, and I didn't care. It was about the acting in this company! SUPERB, and the journey of this beautiful boy, with a passion, anyone can relate to it. One last person to mention, the man who played the Dad, was so so so so honest and talented. WOW is all I can say. I loved my Billy Elliott experience, and I advice everyone (if you can get a ticket) to run to see this extraordinary show.
Sunday, August 2, 2009






I was 23 years old, just left The Boston Conservatory, and had finished a year traveling Europe, performing in the German Company of Starlight Express. I felt like I had the whole world at my feet. I moved into an apartment in Hells Kitchen, on 47th street btwn 9th and 10th Ave. I lived with three other roommates, and payed a million dollars for a hole in the wall! I just had to be in the center of it all, right in Manhattan! It is funny looking at the success level of all my former roommates in that apartment. We called each other the 515 crew, because our address was 515 W.47th Street. One roommate, is now the head of casting for Ugly Betty,and owns his casting agency! One has like three Broadway credits and works all the time. The other has been on Broadway and is now the stand by for lady of the lake in The Spamalot Tour! Not to mention the two floating roommates we had. One is a Broadway Star, she is the lead in many musicals. The other has been the lead on a soap for like 6 years now. We called them the floating 515's cause they came in out depending on gigs. Then there is me, who is a working actor as well.
I remember one day going to the roof of 515! The night was beautiful, the stars gleamed as bright as the lights on Broadway. The noisy cabs roared down below, fast and furious down 9th avenue. The people walked with confidence, and at a quick pace. I stood up there people watching until the evening came. I remember at 11pm, I stood there and screamed at the top of my lungs "New York City I'm Going To Conquer You"! That is when my life began for me! New York City listened to me I believe. My career went up very fast, and I was turning down jobs. Don't get me wrong, there were def. times of struggle in btwn those moments. Times when I ate a slice of pizza, for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Maybe some oddles of noodles for desert. MMMMMMMM, them were the days.
I have been toying with moving to L.A. after I finish the A Chorus Line Tour in November! I have finally made my decision, ex specially after being back in New York City for the past two weeks. I am moving back to THE BIG APPLE. This place I once called home, is calling my name in my dreams, and in my head. I have things to do here in the theater scene. I have to put the J.R. Whittington stamp all over Times Square. You need to know my name, and all my dreams need to come true. I've been blessed to continuously work so this next part of my career is going to be a change, and a possible struggle. I have to make casting people who see me as one thing, view me as another! I have to go back to my roots, and train really hard, pound the pavement, and make things happen. As you can see I still dream big, with that, and faith, nothing can stop me. Just like the boy who stood on the top of the roof yelling, I now say at the top of my lungs, "I AM NOT DONE WITH YOU YET CITY THAT NEVER SLEEPS"!
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