Monday, November 30, 2009

Update/The Visitor

My room is coming together quite nicely, I have painted it a very calming color, I have furniture, I even hung up some art! I'm so happy to finally have a bed to lay my head on, and when I tell you that mattress that I selected is like heaven. I never wanna get out of the bed, it is so amazing to my body! I was not playing with the mattress selection, I made sure to lay my head on all of them, before I chose one!

I have my first voice lesson with my teacher tonight, after like 5 years of being away. I'm a little nervous, and excited to work on some new music! I also have my interview with the acting school, I will be joining in January, tonight as well!

I did it again, I chose New York Sports Club, and got myself a personal trainer, but only for 10 sessions. I felt like I needed someone to give me a new work out. I'm feeling so stagnant with my old one! New York City has been great thus far, and the transition is going well, although, in many ways I feel like I'm starting all over in my career. However, I do think it is a great thing to reinvent ones self. I thought I should give you a brief update before I started my short blog entry this morning!

Here is the real reason I'm writing, I rented a movie yesterday, that I fell in love with! It is a short, simple, and great story. The name of the movie is "The Visitor", and I just fell in love with this indie film! I wanted to put it out there for the blog world to know what a great escape this movie is. I don't want to tell you what the movie is about, but I do want you to rent it! Lately, I feel like I should have been a critic in another life! However, that is one of the reasons I started this blog, I love to tell people about gem movies, theater, actors, etc! I love to give folks insight on things that are not that popular, so that you can explore other artistic avenues! The only problem is, you could enjoy the things I dislike, and dislike the things I love, and that is why having an opinion is so important! RENT THE VISITOR, tell me what you think?

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