Friday, November 6, 2009

This Is It

Jealousy hit me hard, as I watched these very talented dancers, get picked to dance for Michael Jackson! As they poured there hearts out in the beginning of the flick, talking about there dream coming true! WOW, I thought to myself, that is an accomplishment, and had to be an indescribable thrill! I watch these talents, of all different races, dance like never before, and live in every moment, it was awesome! The talent on that stage was unreal, from the band, ex specially that female guitarist! WOW, and the Asian back up singer, with the voice of a angel! Everyone was so gifted, and if this concert happened, I would have paid tons to have experience it live!

Michael Jackson is the man, and at first it was hard to watch his mask of a face, frail body, and HUGE hands! I thought to myself "He doesn't look so good"! Then 10 minutes in the movie, I became an audience members biggest night mare. Smiling, crying, dancing in my seat, bobbing my head, fidgety, living in every moment, dreaming, loving, and mostly inspired. To watch this genius work, was such a feeling that I can't explain. The professionalism, the way he treated his band, crew, back up singers etc. It was amazing to watch this man, and someone I idolize work! He worked it out, Michael sounded great, and would get so caught up in the moment, and sing everything full out! He would get mad at himself, because he wanted to rest his voice! That very recognizable, voice penetrated through my body, and I felt a spirit inside of me, that lifted me up, and made me feel so awesome! The genius M.J. heard many things in the orchestrations of his songs! He can hear things, that I would be like "what are you talking about"?, and when they corrected it I said to myself "Oh WOW, powerful, and genius"! How can he hear those things? He danced up there on that stage free style, choreography on point, pop locking, spinning, jumping, something moving in his soul, depth, brilliance and love! This legend is like no other, and I'm glad I got to see the movie. I don't want to give away to much, because I advise anyone who reads my blog to go see this flick! Take it all in, and I'm already excited for the DVD release! The legend, the man, the king of pop, Michael Jackson!!!!!!!

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