Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Chapter TWO: First Day "Home" in NYC

The day started with a lot of phone calls, and just trying to get settled! Searching for furniture for the bed room, (as I lay on an air mattress) paint colors, etc! The beginning of furnishing a bed room that is just four walls and some suit cases! Calling to make all my doctors appointments, dental, eye exams, etc! Things that were hard to do on tour! After all of that was done, I went on the search for the "right" gym for me! The gym is so important to my lively hood and my career! This tour has put me in many gyms, therefore I feel my search and fit has to be just right! I now know what I want from a gym: clean, good classes, and a friendly supportive environment! My search led me to many in New York City, but today I'm deciding between David Barton or New York Sports Club! We shall see who wins the fight???

I fired my agent yesterday, because we just want two different things for my career, and now I'm on the search for a new agent! I feel like I'm starting all over again, and I'm not mad at it! Now I'm doing things, that I know I should do, because the last time I lived in New York City, I didn't take advantage of the system, and couldn't afford to do so many things. This time I am doing it my way, and taking a major intensive acting class! That I start at the end of January, and I'm getting those chops back up to par! I realized that this is my dream, and I have to make it happen. I'm very picky now, and hands on with my career! I'm going to make it happen, and nothing is going to stop me!!!!!

As I walked around New York City yesterday, it felt new to me! The air, the buildings, the people, and maybe it is because I have changed so much since the last time I lived here! I'm more focused, grounded, and ready to fight for my career! I know it sounds so intense, but in this big city you have to put your arms up! And just start swinging, if you want to come out on top. New York will take you in, chew you up, take all your money, and spit you out!!!!!! GET INTO IT!

The night ended with one of my favorite things; a movie! Going to see a movie with a savvy New York audience is always fun! I saw the movie "Precious" last night! I cried from beginning to end, and marvelled at it's brilliance! All of the actors in this movie are so raw, honest, and spell binding! I will say it again, this cast is so fantastic, and this story tore me to pieces! You have to go see this brilliant work on the screen and I predict many Oscar nods coming it's way! I loved, loved, loved, this movie! Run to go see it! ASAP! Oh, and have your tissues in an easy place to reach, cause you will be using them!

Oh by the way, blog world, this is my 100Th post! I find it quite comforting that it is my 100Th and my first day writing about my new chapter of life! Thanks blog friends for following, supporting, and listening to my head! MUCH LOVE JUST J.R.

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