Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Jheri Curl

I was on the train yesterday, minding my own business, reading "Breaking Dawn", the last of the books from The Twilight Series! I looked up from my book, and across from me was a man with a jheri curl! A real life jheri curl, from the 80s! I haven't seen one in so long, that it took me by surprise! Do they still sell "soul glow" products out there in the world? I started laughing so hard, that I had to pretend that my loud chuckle came from reading my book! I really couldn't believe my eyes, and he had the kind of jheri curl, that had the big shag in the back of his head. Jheri Curls were always so messy in the late 80's, you had to wear a cap over your head so that you wouldn't have pillow stains! The jheri curl is so greasy, shiny, and crazy looking! I found myself mesmerized by the jheri curl, and staring at him out of the corner of my eye! He looked so "period" on the train, and I wondered does this man think he is cool? Is he making a statement? Did he just never change his hair from the 80's? Is he married? What does his wife think about his hair? How does his friends or siblings feel about his hair? Is the person next to him going to get wet from his jheri curl juice? Hmmm?? Well, this man certainly got me to thinking about a messy time in African American hair, and I truly hope the jheri curl doesn't come back!!!!!!

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