Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Oh Canada

My stay here in Canada has been a pleasant surprise, and I must admit that I truly love this country! I enjoyed most of my moments here in Canada. I just wish I could use my phone, and the Internet was a little better! The shopping, the people, and the places have been great to me! A year ago we went to TORONTO, and this city reminded me of New York City, (but cleaner) I enjoyed my stay in Toronto, even though it was freezing cold! Toronto had so much theater, culture, friendly people, Jazz, Food, Museums and just a plan old awesome city! Here are the new places in Canada, I have been on this last leg of the tour:


I have never been to Ottawa before, and immediately fell in love with this city! The castles I past on the way to work, and the people were great. It was a beautiful city, and full of city life, trend and culture! I didn't know what to expect when I got there, but it ended up being a favorite spot of mine!


This is the worse place I have been to in my life, dirty, and just nothing to do! I will never ever want to go back to that dirty, dreary, gloomy, disaster of a city. It was the Detroit of Canada, with that said, I'm sure you understand how I feel about that city!


Was a great cow town, with Lot's to do, and great restaurants, and just a nice down home city in Canada. The hotel we stayed at the Westin, was so beautiful and comfortable! I must admit, I didn't want to leave that hotel. It was awesome, and we as a cast had an amazing Halloween Party at Earls! Calgary also had a nice night life, full of fun, and interesting people! I really like this town!


I want to move to Vancouver ASAP, and this is my favorite place in Canada thus far. They have a great city, and the condos were so beautiful! The architecture was superb, and the bridges, mountains, beaches, and water was stunning! I felt like you got the feel of a big city life, with suburbia all around you. You got the best of both words. If there was more theater in that town, I would definitely want to think about living there! VANCOUVER ROCKS!


Is dull, but I don't care, because it is my last week! I'm spending more time getting my life together for NYC, and packing stuff up and winding down this gig! The hotel here is great, and we are connected to a mall. They also have Canada's biggest mall here, The West Edmonton Mall, with a full water park, roller coasters, etc inside the mall, which is quite awesome!

All together Canada is a friendly, and a great country!

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