Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Look Out World

I love to find, search, and discover new talent! OK I don't discover them, they do all the work! I just love to see a face that no one really knows on T.V. Someone who is just breaking the mold of years of trying to make this thing called acting happen! Who I think is extremely talented, and would love to work with! The big Oscar winners of the future, and some of the most talented people on screen today! Someone who is not a household name yet, but has talent oozing out of there pours! Being a actor myself, I have very high standards, of what I consider good! Here are my four new favorite actors of 2009! Mind you they are not that new, some have been in Broadway shows, and have been working there booty off! They are just not house hold names yet, and I enjoy there work equally!


This actress is amazing, and usually has an accent in every project I see her in! She is not your traditional Hollywood beauty, but stunning never the less! She has some of the most unique, honest, and soulful amount of work out there now! I loved her in the first season of True Blood, and saw her in many other projects since that show! I just rediscovered her again in this season of Desperate Housewives! Watch out world this women's talent, is going to let you have it!

Nelsan Ellis

This actor is probably my favorite on True Blood by far! He is so talented, and captivating on screen! He was also in The Soloist with Jamie Fox, and many other. He is a graduate of Julliard, and also is a writer! He is one of those actors that I see, and say "damn I want that role"! WOW, amazing! I'm in envy of this man's talent!


If you don't know Viola Davis, then you need to know her asap! She got nominated for an Oscar in doubt! She has many supporting film credits, and many t.v. credits. I first fell in love with her when she was on Broadway in Seven Guitars! This women puts the "A" in acting! Never have I seen a more brilliant actress, and if she doesn't win many Oscars. I don't know what the world would be thinking! Viola Davis is a master class in acting, and I hold her up there with my idol Jeffrey Wright! Run to see Viola in anything, even if she has one line. I'm sure you would learn something just from watching her one line!


This actor makes me fall in love with him every time I see him on screen. His charm, is a brilliant untouchable thing! He is usually so funny, but yet honest, and pure! I love his work, and find myself very happy to see him as a leading man! I don't know his work as well as the other candidates. I just remember watching Julie and Julia the movie, and while I liked Meryl Streep and Amy Adams, I loved Chris Messina! He stole the movie for me, in my opinion! Then I just rented Away We Go, and there he was again,just as charming, and amazing as the first time! Truly talented man, and I hope to see more from him in the future!

NOTE: Pics on the top! Are in the order I speak about the actors!

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