Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Chapter One is Over!

I have finished my year and half, and beautiful journey of A Chorus Line! It was an amazing closing night, and a feeling of joy rushed over my body! It was an emotional evening filled with cast members, smiling, crying, laughing, hugging, and just LOVE! You felt the ray of light shine through the whole company, and the love for each other through out the day was unavoidable! It was a very proud moment for me, and this chapter of my life on tour is now closed! I'm so happy to have shared a year and half with so many special people! With a show I dreamed of since I was a little boy, and to do it on this big scale! To tour the world, and give to people the joy, love, and passion I have for this show was an honor! I thank GOD every day for the experience itself! I also love my new family, we have been through so much together. Tour fights, love, laughs, cries, complaints, showmances, yearning and many other things! I will miss these people that I spent every moment with for a year and a half, my ACL family! Now off to the next chapter of my life! Chapter 2 begins today, as I lay here safe and sound in my Brooklyn apartment! This blog is no longer about the employed actor on tour, now to get to know the unemployed actor on a job search! On a journey to fulfill his life long dreams!

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