Friday, November 13, 2009


Slight panic attack, and excitement ran through my body this morning! Did I save enough money? Did I pack everything I was supposed to? Was NYC the right place for me or should I have tried LA? Is this show really ending? Is my body going to heal itself after the year and half of torture? BREATHE!

I have three days left of A Chorus Line, and no more pay checks! YAY! I'm so excited for my future endeavors, and the unknown scares me! Remember I have to live in the now, and I am doing fabulous here and now! I have my own dressing room stage level at the theater, and I'm still going to get paid for my vacation days! I get to go home to my family for the holidays! I'm so happy to finally be in one place and be able to say hi to the people at the grocery store, gym, laundry, and neighbors! A sense of being stable is enough for me! I love feeling stable, and I'm moving back to Brooklyn, where my church is, and where all my dreams began! This apartment has many memories for me, and my roommate is one of my friends from child hood, and one of my best friends in the world! This place I'm moving back to, is a place that I lived in when I first began my career and struggled as an actor! To move back there with money now, and the new knowledge I have, is going to be a full circle moment! See my best friends roommate moved out right when I was in need of a apartment! FATE!!!! I feel like it was all meant to be, the timing of it, and the way it just all fell into place! LIFE, a new chapter, is finally beginning for me! This blog has pushed all my panic away--for now anyway! This was an interesting journey, and I have made new great friends along the way! I love what I do for a living, and I can't wait to inspire the world with what I have to offer with the next gig! I can't wait to just give myself to GOD, and let him work his magic! I can't wait to just be!

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