Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I know you are thinking I'm crazy, and obsessed with the "Boob Tube", as my late grandmother would call it! However, I just did that whole top 10 t.v. blog! Now I just had to write about Mad Men. Last night was the season finale of the show, and I have to say it has inspired me so much that I have to blog about it! When I tell you the writing on this show, is like none ever written before in the history of television. I love that it is on American Movie Classics, and they stay so true to the time period, from the clothing, gestures, ambiance, down to the way they pour drinks! The style of acting is even staying true to the time period! I want to be on this show but I fear as an African American male, I can only play the door man or the elevator guy! This show is so brilliant, and so mesmerizing! The actors on it are all fantastic, even down to the under 5's or the extras! Everything about this show is amazing! I advise all my blog friends to start at season 1 and work there way to where we are now! I strongly think there is no way you can't fall in love with this show! Every time it comes on the screen it is so simple, honest, and you go into there world! LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE MAD MEN!

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