Friday, September 25, 2009

Match Me Up Part 2

Everyone knows I have joined, and I have been on it for a minute now. This site is very interesting, I almost feel like people on there are desperately looking for love. I want to find love, but I'm a little more picky, and not as desperate! I'm just going with the flow! Everyone thus far, except for a couple of people I have my eye on, is looking to rush into things. They want my phone number all fast, and I'm like "Hold up, let's talk on here a little while longer"! I think this gets them upset and they move on from me! I'm still not sure if I like the online dating thing, but I'm still going to give it a chance. I do have a couple potentials out there, but we shall, see. They have to be willing to take it slow, because I can't be going out with no crazy folks. You never know from a website.

The interesting thing I have learned about myself is that I attract and get winks from people over 60, and very young people 18-23! That is not quite my age range, but I find it very intriguing that this is who I attract! I also get many winks from The Latin Americans, and the Asians! Which I also find very interesting.

I have winked at a few people myself, there are some good prospects out there, with great looks, and amazing profiles! Which is the most important thing to me, THE PROFILE. Reading what people write about themselves, is something I first like to do. I'm trying to step out of my shell or box, as you may, and give people a chance based on there profile, but that is hard, because at the end of the day, you have to be attracted to them. That is the reality of this whole thing, (OK I'M A LIAR), looks come first, and then the profile second! LOL, I have always been a sucker for a good face, and I guess that is not a bad thing at all! We shall see what the future holds in the match world, and I will keep you posted.

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