Saturday, September 12, 2009

Chapter 1-- Almost OVER!

I am on a two week lay off, that is going by so fast, I might say!! I have one more week of relaxation and chilin. Then back to the National Tour of A Chorus Line! I will be going to Memphis TN, Charlotte NC, and many places in Canada! Only 8 weeks of work, which means eight more pay checks. I have been blessed to work for the past 5 1/2 years straight! Which is a long time for a musical theater actor! I'm excited for the challenge of, moving back to New York City, training hard, and getting back out there in the audition scene. I don't even know what it is like anymore, my nerves get the best of me at times. Change and the unknown, can be so damn scary. When you hear things like the economy is bad, shows are closing, there's no work anymore, running from your friends mouths in the business. "Oh Well", is what I say to all of that , it is chance I have to take! It is time for me to move on from this show, and be back in the city that never sleeps! I need to stomp all over the Big Bad Apple, and do what I love, and have so much passion for! God Has Not Given Us a Spirit of Fear! I have to keep remembering that, and embrace this new life. It is also exciting, because I can actually work on my romantic life. I don't want to die an old lonely man. I'm ready to find that life partner! It is much easier to do, in one place, then to be going from city to city, and never having anything concrete! Now I start in these last eight weeks of work, being extra frugal with my money. Not buying all the extra, things that I love, and save more, save more, save more. Life is about to begin for me, and I feel some magical things about to happen in my bones. My future, is a big question mark, and I'm thrilled to blog about the next chapter of my life. Fasten your seat beats blog world, I'm sure this roller coaster is going to go up and down, but get ready, because a new chapter is about to begin! Chapter 2 begins in 8 weeks time! Wish me luck and prayers. I also need to learn to enjoy these eight weeks with the special friends I made on this show. Don't rush it, and enjoy the work! Chapter 2 here we come!

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