I began this four week journey to Japan, with so much excitement, and just joy! The thrill of the unknown, and the passion I have to travel and see the world! I am blessed to have seen many places in my own country, and outside of it! Japan, was a place I never dreamed of seeing, and was never on my destination rador at all! Now, after have been here for a month, I wouldn't take anything back! I got here to Japan, and was a tourist, I got up at 8 am in the beginning, and saw many beautiful sites. Kamakura, Shibuya, Harajuku, Kyoto, War Museum, Hakone, Osaka, Monkey Mountain, Gion Corner, Tokyo Tower, Robataya, Asakusa, Shinjuku, and Universal Studios Japan! I conquered a quest of meeting a Geisha, I played with Monkeys, I saw a huge Buddha,I saw Mt. Fuji, I saw stinky small volcanic eruptions, I went on a pirate ship, I had some fun ice cream flavors, I had some great dining experiences, I danced in Shinjuku, I bonded with old friends, I just had a thrill of time! I even made new local friends in this big over populated country. I attempted to learn and respect this culture, that was so completely different than my own. I have never met a friendlier group of people in my life! What ever they do to raise children here, Americans can take a lesson or two! Such beautiful people and a stunning place to visit.
I ended my last week here, frustrated, hungry for some real food, hating the language barrier, hating on the earthquakes and typhoons, hating the gym experience, and sick of some cultural differences. I was yearning for the United States, and couldn't wait to get back home!
As the big day is here, and I have a 22 hour travel day, which includes, flying from Osaka back to Tokyo, and Tokyo to the states. My heart stops in sadness. I will miss the relationships I have cultivated in this town. I will miss the beautiful fans, that followed me into the mall for my autograph. I will miss the feeling of peace that you get in this country. I will miss, the spirituality and respect everyone here has for the smallest things! And more than anything, I will miss the natural beauty this country has everywhere surrounding me!
Japan for me, is a chapter of my life that I will never forget as a person! I had small dramas, but a wonderful experience all together. I have grown as an artist here, and most of all, as a person. I still continued to learn so much about myself, and feel like I am a little taller as a human! I have had a full circle moment, here, and yet I'm still ready to go home! I WILL MISS YOU JAPAN!!!! UNTIL NEXT TIME!
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