Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I'm Back

The thrill of landing back on American soil was overwhelming! I am so happy to be home in the US, and sang "Proud To Be An American", in the line waiting to go through customs! You take so many little things for granted, and YES ex specially now with OBAMA as my president, I can honestly say, "I am proud to be an American"! I spent the day, just trying to keep my eyes open! I ran to Chipotle for my favorite big as hell chicken burrito! I sat and people watched, and tore through that sandwich. Then, I went to the cinema to watch the movie "September Issue"! Those who read my blog, know how obsessed I am with the fashion industry. The movie was everything I wanted it to be and more. Although I left the theater loving Grace, and to me, she was the movie. I spent the whole flick mesmerized by her eye for fashion and art. Lastly, to stay awake, (well, for fun too) I ended up with my friend Alex Ringler,(PLUG: follow his blog, he has alot to say to the world "Human Chameleon") at Musical Monday's, and bar's around the Chelsea New York area. We both in attempt to stay up, was so giddy, and had a blast. In the end, I made it through, and I'm excited to start my day! From being in Asia, I feel like I look at so many simple things differently! I admire the beauty of our country, and I respect so many little things. One of the things the Asian culture has taught me, and I definitely don't want to lose that!

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