Monday, September 14, 2009


Not really wanting to watch T.V. just pondered through the guide in hopes to find something good on. What? The V.M.A. awards are on, oh they win! I stopped on MTV which I haven't watched in a very long time, except when "Run's House", is on the air! Anyway, I watch the red carpet, and see Lady Ga Ga and Kermit the frog get out of a limo! Hmmmm? I think this will be an interesting night of television. My nieces jumping around me "Uncle James", "Uncle James", I say "Shhhh, Uncle James has some important t.v. to watch"! LOL! They sit quietly sprawled across my lap, as the awards show starts! Here is my thoughts and opinions and highlights of V.M.A.'s on MTV! A surprised J.R. had an amazing night, and didn't even know it was about to happen. This was the best V.M.A.'s since Madonna crawled on the floor singing "Like A Virgin" or Michael Jackson (RIP) moonwalking across the stage, and throwing his hat into the audience.


To begin the night off, we had a tribute to Michael Jackson, which started with a beautiful touching speech from Madonna! Which actually put a tear to my eyes. It was one of the highlights of the tribute! Then, out came some dancer's re-creating all of Michael's old video's on stage live! Which kind of bored me, I have seen those moves before, and was hoping other artist would sing and dance his music. More interesting to me, would have been Usher Re-creating Thriller, with the dancer's behind him. Justin Timberlake, re-creating I'm Bad, singing and dancing! Janet Jackson re-creating the classic Bille Jean VMA moment. That would have been a thrill! MAYBE I SHOULD HAVE DIRECTED, LOL! Then, Janet Jackson came out, did "Scream" lip syncing, and I thought to myself who is that fat girl in the middle! (Sorry Janet, I actually prefer you chubby)! But that was my first reaction, Oh it's Janet! She struggled through scream, and it just all lacked luster. But I applaud them for trying, most people seemed to love it. This is just my opinion! At the end of the day, Michael is in heaven, and is probably loving every moment of it!


OOOO the big drama of the evening happened right before my eyes! Taylor Swift, (Beautiful 17 year old country singer), wins an award, and beats out GAGA and Beyonce. In the middle of her speech: Kanye takes the microphone from her, and announces, to the world. That Beyonce had the best video out there, this year! Then gives the microphone back to Taylor to finish her speech! DRAMA! That poor 17 year old girl didn't know what to do! It was amazing television, and facebook friends went up and arms..Every one's status was hating on Kanye! OK I will say this, I DO NOT CONDONE ANY OF WHAT KANYE DID, , and IT WAS NOT ACCEPTABLE. However, I actually agree with him!!!! That man is CRAZY as they get, and I still can't hate, because his music is genius. At the end of the day, I still will listen to Kanye West, and I still would love to go to a Kanye concert! He just spoke his mind, and hey Taylor Swift, might want to thank Mr. West. He just made her even more famous and likable! I foresee her dollar amount going up, even higher after this drama filled occurrence!


OK, I couldn't stop laughing, at Lady GaGa! When you call someone pushing the envelope in fashion. That Lady GaGa is doing it, and doing it well. Her outfits, had me on the floor! But still screaming to myself YES DO IT BOO! I love every moment of the dramatic flare. Her performance, was even more dramatic then the outfits. She danced Hip Hopish, She rolled on the floor, She gave you acting, she looked strange, and then put blood all over her body, and was sexy! Not to mention the vocals were on point, which, I can't say for alot of young artist!


OK Pink sang upside down on a trapeze! That is all I have to say! KUDOS PINK!


The last song I wanted to see performed again was "Single Ladies", it is just over kill in my book! BUT, only Beyonce could make me watch that number one more time, and have me at the edge of my seat. She started it as a ballad, then took us to the traditional choreography, then dance break time, broke it down for us, then (in case you don't think she was singing live) gave the mic to an audience member to join in, finally a million single ladies came on stage and danced it with her. This performance was amazing, and thrilling! DON'T SLEEP ON BEYONCE!


Finally Beyonce won an award for Music Video Of The Year, and proceeds on the stage and says "I remember being 17 and winning my first VMA with Destiny's Child, and How thrilled I was"! Then she call's Taylor Swift up to the stage and says "Mrs. Swift, if you can give the speech you were trying to give earlier"! Taylor Swift had her moment at last, and thanks to the class act Beyonce Knowles!


There new song about the big bad apple, is off the chains! I loved every moment of it, and it is a great anthem for the amazing New York City!

Again this my opinion on the VMA's, and I enjoyed my evening very very much!

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