Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Travel Day To Memphis! Hmmm Interesting!


It was hard to leave home this time around, because I know that after this layoff, it will be hard to get back home, because I will be in real life. Living in New York City and looking for a job, and training! This tour has blessed me to visit my family in Pittsburgh, more than I ever have in the past years! Brewster cried, and barked, as I left the door, and that made me so sad. He wasn't having his daddy leave him again! My family is so important to me, and I love them so much! I love watching my nieces grow, and my brother get all weird when I talk about his girlfriends. My sister, being so strong and raising children! My mother, just keeping everything together, and ready for all of us to leave her alone..LOL! I know she will miss the chaos when it is all gone...


The man sitting across from me seemed so friendly, and when I got onto the plane he said "Hello", with a great big smile! Then I noticed as I sat there, that he didn't say hi to anyone else! Finally another African American family came on board, and he said "Hi" with a big grin! Then silence until one last African American got on the plane, again "HEY How Are Ya" he said! HMMMM? He is only talking to the black people! That is interesting to see, that he felt the need to say hi to his people? Is that fair? Why was he sitting in his seat racial profiling? LOL! Why couldn't he say hi to other people of other races? I wonder if he does this on purpose? hmmmm interesting!


Even more interesting ride to the hotel, when a Muslim, cab driver! Tried to convert me, the biggest christian boy ever! I did listen, because I was curious! "We were shipped over here in chains, and we didn't want to be here"! "That is why WE are the chosen ones"! "Everyone wants to thank Jesus, but he has nothing to do with it"! "At the end of the day, this world is coming to an end"! "Have you not seen the weather"! "He is going to kill the evil white man first"! "We are the chosen ones"! "There karma of holding us captive is going to get them, white evil people"! and so on and so on and so on! I sat there quietly, partly scared for this man! Does he not see that I'm mixed, and that I probably have white family members??? Hmmmm interesting is all I will leave you with!


I had the most amazing pulled pork sandwich with french fries, and coles slaw! All for seven dollars! Beale Street is amazing full of life, and great music on every corner. The blues and jazz all at my feet! This week is going to be amazing for me! I hope I don't get fat off this amazing good cheap food! hmmm interesting!


Went to CVS to be followed by a pack of black girls giggling! Then, for one to finally say to me " You are fine", "Damn Boy", and I smiled and sayed "thanks"! HMMMMM INTERESTING?


The room is nice and big with a kitchen, and I'm thrilled with my view! So I lay in the bed turn on HBO and watch 27 dresses, and then I lay there crying like a sap! Didn't think that cheesy movie would get me, but it did! I guess it is the place I am in! Hmmmm interesting!

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