Sunday, September 20, 2009


My knee hurts, and I know it only hurts because I have to go back to work on Monday! Tuesday night opening night in Memphis, and my 34th City including Tokyo, and Hyogo Japan! 34 cities I have been to on this tour! Sorry I had to say that again, because I just can't believe it! Over 500 performances of the show! That is crazy, and how fast time has gone. Now here we go, with eight more weeks left. I'm excited to see my friends in the show, but not really excited about the show! I'm even more thrilled about the check that will clear on Thursday! That sounds amazing to me right about now! A Chorus Line, was the show that made me want to do musical theater, and was a dream of mine for many years. Most people that know me, probably know this, but this is my sixth production of A Chorus Line. This show has paid my bills for many years. Every production I have played Paul except for this one, which I took on the challenge of understudying four roles! Which is exhausting on the brain. Now I have been a swing before, but this is different. Swinging is just the ensemble tracks, (so you can screw up in the back and it's OK) but I'm covering principals with different lives, lots of lines, songs, and dances! It has been a journey I will never forget, and something I never want to do again. I don't mind covering Principals, but 2 at the most is fine with me! It's funny, because now that the journey is ending I'm not sad at all! This is an end of many things for me this show! I'm excited for the future, and take on the challenge of making new dreams come true! Back to work, which means I will blog more, it seems that the strangest things happen when your on the road, and always more fun things to write about! Blog world stay tuned for eight weeks of tour drama!

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