Wednesday, January 6, 2010


I ate cookies, brownies, cakes, potato chips, and many other things for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I enjoyed watching t.v. laying around, playing with my nieces, and doing absolutely nothing! I came back to New York City, and tried to slowly go to the gym, and do some cardio, which I don't know how in one and half weeks time I got so out of shape. Since I worked up to this point, which was yesterday, I thought I slowly brought myself back to the point where I was ready to train hard. I had my first training session back from the holidays, and my trainer is on a mission. You see, we only have eight more sessions left, meeting twice a week, before, I can't train anymore. I start my acting school at the end of the month, which is intensive Monday through Friday 9am to 5pm! Knowing this information, I think my trainer, wants to kill me before my closing date with him. He yelled at me about my diet, and not what you think, about my bad eating habits. You see I had to write down everything I eat, and give it to him. When you were a dancer and called fat your whole life, you tend to not want to eat as much as you should. He wants me to eat so much more, since, I want to gain muscle, minus the cookies, cakes, potato chips, just more good foods in general. Ugh, and this getting into my brain, and is a challenge for me. I think he fixed the problem, since, I don't like to eat as much, he made it, so I have to do a protein shake at night, and in the a.m., along with my meals. This I think I can handle, but we shall see! Anyway, my trainer, gave me the workout of my life the other day. I can barely do any of the excericises, and he kept making me circuit train, with lifting as well as kick boxing, and cardio, pushing me so hard. This is what I wanted right? Why do I feel like I'm going to throw up? Why does it hurt so much? No Pain No Gain right? Therefore, I woke up, and can't move at all. I almost texted my roommate to help me put on my clothes this a.m. My body is so sore, and now I am heading to get a massage. I think my personal trainer (Who I love btw) is on CRACK!!!!!!!

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