Sunday, January 31, 2010

It's Just My Imagination

I found a phone outside of my apartment building, I picked it up, and brought up to my apartment. I was hoping for a phone call, so that I can tell the person that I have it, and they can have there possession back. Every time I lose a phone, I always hope that someone would find it, and hold it safe for me. Which seems to never be the story, and my phone is always lost or stolen to the world! Anyway, the phone laid next to my bed last night, and my imagination went wild. As I become a man that seems to be bipolar all through out the evening. I imagined it was trap, and it was planted for me to pick up and it was going to blow up any second! Then I thought it was some conspiracy theory, and the cops were going to come and take me away, What? Is one week of acting class making my imagination crazy and bigger than ever? What is wrong with me? LOL! The story ended well, the girl called for her phone, and my roommate brought it downstairs to her, while I was in the shower. She says the girl offered her forty bucks, for saving her life. My roommate declined the money, and came up stairs. I'm happy it all worked out, and I guess it was just my imagination!

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