Thursday, January 7, 2010

Faith and Fear

GOD, wants me to get the message about being fearful of the unknown. About having faith in him, and not to worry, that he is there for me! You see, I visited a new church this past Sunday, Emmanuel Baptist Church, which I enjoyed very much. The same message that was preached at The Brooklyn Tabernacle, was preached to me again from Emmanuel Baptist Church! It was about fear, which if you read my blog, is my biggest problem. The opposite of fear is faith, and I guess I need a whole lot of it. I keep getting the same message at different churches, and I just wanted to let GOD know that I hear him loud and clear. I'm working on more faith, and not to worry, so that what he has set me forth to do, I can do, clearly, and with a clean heart! I have a couple friends, who have been blogging about fear as well, and it is a common thread, in many of friends. Which is a slight comfort to me, and I am learning more and more everyday that I am not alone. I just need to have faith, and trust that GOD will not leave me! I know this, he has never left me behind, and for some reason I can't get it to stick. I'm writing this blog entry, as a testimony of how I am going to change this in mind, no matter how hard it is! Our GOD is an Awesome GOD!

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