Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Inglorious Bastards

This movie has been a very long journey for me! I will have to admit, this journey was well worth the wait! When this movie came out, I was so excited, because I'm a huge Quentin Tarantino fan, and a movie buff. I immediately went to the movies opening weekend to see this flick. I walked out of the theater, after 20 minutes, it was violent, subtitles, and I was over it! The style of the film got on my nerves, and I just didn't want to watch it. Now as a SAG member, I got all these wonderful movies, on DVD, to view, so that I can vote for the SAG awards. I watched them all, even though I had already seen most of them. You see, I take voting very seriously, and want to vote for who I think is doing the best work! The SAG awards, has to be a thrill, because you win a award, not voted by some random academy, but voted by your "actor peers", therefore it is awesome. Anyway, that is off the subject, I started Inglorious Bastards two days ago, and turned it off, after 20 minutes. I watched the same 20 minutes that I paid 12 dollars for at the movies. Decided, to try again, and yesterday, popped the flick back in my blue ray player, and got through about an hour of it, but more intrigued, after I got past all the gore, and violence. I became impressed by the story, the actors, the style, and the writing! However, I fell asleep, and never finished the movie. Well, tonight home from the gym, and errands, in goes Inglorious Bastards, and I made it through the whole movie. WOW, was I shocked, at how much I loved this film. It has to be a Jewish persons dream movie, plot wise. Also the actors, are so extreme, that I started to panic and think to myself "could I ever pull that off"? "Do I have that much talent"? After doubting myself for awhile this has proven to me, even more how brilliant this film is. Quentin Tarantino is before his time, and I vow to never doubt the man again. Yes, this film is very violent, and yes it takes a minute to get into, but you should definitely try it. This movie is genius! I was cheering and screaming at the end! BRAVO!!!!!!

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