Monday, January 25, 2010

Follow Your Path

As I read on facebook of friends from The A Chorus Line tour, booking gigs and making there Broadway Debut. Not to sound cocky, but I have been there-- done that. I haven't went on a single audition. I'm sorry, blog world, I'm very superstitious and won't be blogging about meetings or projects I audition for. I like to keep my auditions to myself, and talk about it, once the gig is mine. However, I am following my path, people judge, people wonder why I haven't auditioned. That is not my path right now, my goal was to go to school, and when I get out of my intensive program-- audition like crazy. What have I been doing for the past two months? Gym, meetings with agents, finding a new church home, and solidifying my life here in New York City! Finally, the day has come, when I started my class. As I had breakfast, and walked Brewster this a.m. at the crack butt of the morning! It was a great day, and the class seems like something I will grow from, and come out with more awareness of myself, and hopefully an even better actor. As an ethnic actor, I have to work harder than most. Cause yes I may have less competition, but I have alot of barriers to break! Not to mention, less roles written for me, and it is my time to move out of the chorus, and get out front. I am doing everything I can to be the best me! I need to be on my game, and ready to represent myself to my fullest potential. I truly enjoy the work, I thrive for perfection, and love the obsession I have about my craft! So here I go, on my journey, and following my path. Auditions I will see you in three months, and you better be ready, cause I'm going to be a force to be reckon with! Thank you GOD, for giving me the strength to not waver from my path, as I had many temptations, and for challenging me to make a change, and to have FAITH, not FEAR, in the abyss of a unknown future!

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