Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year

I know this is a new year, and everyone has the big resolutions, to change parts of there lives. Hahahaha, I laugh only because nine times out of ten, those big lists don't work. However, I don't want to bring anyone down, you can change. My big thing is if you are going to make a change, why wait until the New Year? Just do the damn the thing, when you decide you don't like whatever it is that you are doing! That is why this year, my New Years Resolution began, whenever, I wanted to do or change something in my life. Everyone laughed at me as I went to the gym the day before, the day before that, and New Years Day. "Just wait until the New Year, it is the holidays enjoy it"! Yes, I agree, and I will enjoy the holidays, but I'm serious about gaining 10 more pounds of muscle, so I begin now. I also feel like, the New Year began for me, when the tour closed. I had a long list of things I wanted to do, and change, when I got to New York City. I went out and began that journey, and am now doing it! Yes, I can say it is a new year, and it is 2010, but my changes, happen all year around. Why wait? Procrastinate, and never do anything I set forth to doing. Yes I am human, and I do fail at things I set forth to do, (Such as learning Spanish.UGH)and when I fail, I pray, and just try all over again! "If at first you don't succeed, dust yourself off and try again". Such is life as a man on the planet we call Earth! Nevertheless, good luck my friends on your resolutions, and may all your dreams come true in 2010!

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