Saturday, January 30, 2010

Learning To Not Judge Yourself

The phrase above is so very vital to my life, and it is something I'm slowly learning how to do this week in acting class. The acting class for me thus far is a little slow, because I have so much experience, and went to college for theater, so I find people are learning things that I already know. However, it is amazing, to go back to square one, and relearn them. I'm also trying to take things seriously that I have never been able to do in my past. Sometimes acting teachers talk this lingo "mumbo jumbo stuff", that I don't want to ever give them a chance. "The energy from the palm of your hand, feel it, put it up above your head, move you hands up, and release all that energy", sometimes that kind of talk makes me think "What drugs are you on"? LOL, Now I'm allowing myself to open up and try these things. I am learning weird things in my journey on my first week of class. I know the head of the department, says "To bare with it, because the program starts basic, but it is going to get so intensive and crazy in a few weeks. I'm ready for the challenging parts to take place. However, although I find myself relearning, it is important to me, to get back to the basics. To get back into my body, and free myself up! Working so much, can pay a toll on your natural instincts, and you are always judging your performance. To be in a space where I have trust, to be able to fail, and try anything is the most important lesson for me this week. I love that I can fail and not be judged. I love that I can try things that are so off the wall, and find out that they work! I love being able to not judge my work, and this week thus far, has challenged me to do so.

P.S. Because of my crazy schedule with class, gym, real life, Brewster, and just being tired! I will now for the next 6 weeks only be blogging on the weekends!

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