Saturday, October 17, 2009

When Did I Become Grandpa

Last night, I decided, to go out dancing at the last second. I felt like I needed to move my body, and listen to some good beats! I get there, and the DJ was awesome! The music, I felt in my spirit, soul, and body! It was exactly what the doctor had ordered for the night! J.R, a dance floor, good music, sweat, and body moving, all my cares away! I'm a little shy in that category, at first, I know I dance in front of thousands of people a night! It takes a minute, to get up the courage to go up on a pedestrian dance floor, up close to strangers, and try and work it on out. However, once I get there, it is hard to sit me down. I don't go out dancing much, I'm more of a chill, glass of wine, listen to good music, conversation, and lounge kind of a guy!

I started to look around the dance floor, at all the faces in the room! BOOM it hit me like a fast flashing light to my brain cells! There I was, as I danced in slow motion, the OLDEST man on the dance floor! All of these kids looked 19, which is the legal age to drink in Canada! Just a bunch of babies, right out of high school, dancing around me! I felt older, older, older, and older! More insecure than usually, not that they danced better than me, they couldn't touch grandpa in the moves department! I pondered in my twisted head, are they looking at me like grandpa in the corner? Insecurity sunk in, and Grandpa J.R. left the dance floor! Went straight for the bar, and ordered a Vodka/Tonic, watched a while, moved my head a little. Then left the venue, wondering, when did I become so old?

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