Saturday, October 24, 2009

Personal Day Drama

Wow, this is the weirdest thing in my professional career, and of course it happens in A Chorus Line! I'm blogging because, I have an uneasy energy inside of me. Please note, that I have bad Internet, in this hotel, but fought to find a place to write. Therefore this is very important in my eyes.

Yesterday, a cast member, comes up to me and says that someone in stage management, told him that if he asked me "to NOT take my personal day, so that he can have one". This is the first in my long career, that management was so unprofessional, and made me uncomfortable, by putting two cast members up against each other like that! WOW! I am appalled, and very upset, because what makes his personal day more important than mine? Is it because I'm just and understudy!? Why didn't management come to me, and not put another cast member in my face? So many questions, I can't even write how unprofessional this was!

Oh, this story isn't over, I was upstairs watching a movie in my dressing room, trying to relax. A stage manager comes into the room with his hands in his pocket. Puppy eyes, staring at me, and says "Two people want personal days, will you not take yours"! What????? Huh? But, I put my personal day in long ago, and first! Is someone in there families dying? NOPE, they want to go on an audition! WHAT? Where am I? What am I doing? Why do we have a union? Why do we have rules? Is this a non equity tour? Why again, is there audition more important than me and my day? If I had an audition would they ask someone to not take there personal day? I will answer this question...NO THEY WOULD NOT!!!!! Why do I feel under valued, and used? Why is this happening, when I have three weeks left?

OK OK you think I'm finished, but I'm not....... Then the stage manger says "I will put you on for Richie, and you can put the line back in, "And I Am Black"! Does this sound like a bribe?

Here is my answer! I am going on my personal day, and going to enjoy every second of it! I am going to do exactly all the things that I had planed, and spent my money to do! Do you like apples? Well, I do, and how about them apples!!!!!!

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