Thursday, October 8, 2009

Autumn is Her Name!

Trees, Leaves Falling, My Birthday, Things Changing, Happiness, A Sweater, Cool Air, Long Walks!!!!!!
I love the fall, I truly feel like it is my favorite time of the year! The weather puts me in a great place, and makes me smile. The fashion, ugh the fashion, yipee, you don't get it, I LOVE the clothes in the fall! It reminds me of the first day back to school, after you went on a shopping spree with mom! Oh how I couldn't wait to debut certain outfits. I still feel the same, with my fall wardrobe. Oh and my T.V. shows are back on the air, I have my Steelers football game, Grey's Anatomy, Mad Men, and Ugly Betty. I personally go through a big change in the fall. I don't know if this is, because my birthday is coming?? I feel like my year starts in this season, not January 1, when most people celebrate it! Sometimes I feel like a little boy in the fall, and I want to jump in the leaves! I don't want to rake them, but I do want to jump in them. All the beautiful colors on the trees, and the crisp smell in the air! This season doesn't last as long as I want it to! The winter comes, and feels like it stays forever! Breathe, take it all in, and now enjoy my favorite season! Autumn is her name!

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