Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Temper

I know, I must seem like an angel, and the sweetest guy in the world! (NOT) I used to have a terrible temper, when I was young boy, and all through high school! I had to learn through out my years here on this planet to wheel it all in! It sometimes starts to flare, and I it takes everything in me, to keep it under control! I must admit It takes a whole lot for it to come out, but when it does, it is not a pretty thing.

Yesterday, I went out with some cast mates, and had a wonderful time! I think I was the only one that was sober, but I still had a great time. We ended up at White Castle, for food at 3 am, and was enjoying the end of our evening! A tall red head in our show, said "Goodbye", with a flirty smile, to a drunken group of guys sitting across from us. One of the guys just so happen to be a violent drunk. He began to challenge our table, with a whole bunch of, immature, I wanna fight you statements. I just stared at the stupid guy with a glare, that I'm sure, was penetrating right through him. It was my turn, and he choose to say to me, "You eyeing me bro, you got a problem"!? I had to breathe, in my head the room was spinning, my blood was racing, and I was ready to fight! It took one small comment for this rage, at the pit of my stomach, (that I had kept suppressed for most of my adult life) to boil to the top of my head. As he taunted my friends, I'm sure I looked crazy, because I was breathing, and telling myself to keep your mouth shut! It was the hardest exercise in my life! I was ready to start some crap up in the middle of the White Castle! I made it, and the man finally left, but I didn't keep my eyes off of him, for not even a second! It was night of realization for me. I found out that the ghetto boy, that has no fear, with a big mouth, is still somewhere deep inside of me! I pray, that no one ever pushes it to come out again! SCARY!

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