Saturday, October 31, 2009

Titties 2009

I have worked my booty off this year, to get my pecs to pump out of my chest! You see I began this tour "flat as a pancake"! I weighed 150 pounds, and consistently stayed there! I now weigh 160 and have gained 10 pounds of muscle! I made a vow in one of my first posts on here "I saw what they are hiring"! To make my body, so much better! Me and a friend on the tour had a slogan "Titties 2009"! With that in my head, I am actually very happy with my pecs, shoulders, and arms! GOD only knows it has been a struggle for me. Some months of working out, were much better than others! Sometimes I was obsessed and would go to the gym all the time. There were also weeks, no maybe even months, when I ate cake, cookies, and said forget the gym! It is tough to maintain your body, and everyday I struggle at making it a lifestyle. Like today, I said I was going to the gym, but I'm sitting here blogging about it instead! LOL! The work has paid off, and I'm happy that I have gotten bigger! I can leave this tour with some pecs! YAY!

Now for the abs, and that takes even more discipline, cause that means I have to do more cardio, add more ab days, and eat right! UGH, it is never ending, but one day I will take a picture of my body and I will be so so so happy! I have a beautiful friend on the ACL tour, and she knows who she is! Who has a husband who has been working out for like only 6 months. She showed me a picture of his new abs. I just about passed out, AMAZING, wash board stunning, WOW and he is now my new motivation! My new slogan is "Abs 2010"! The never ending process, I guess will keep me healthy! I will keep you posted on the progress! WISH ME LUCK!!!!!

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