Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Young African American Prostitute

I went for a walk around the hotel late last night, because I was feeling like I needed some fresh air. As I was walking, I saw this young dude standing on the corner. Good looking young man, around 16 or 17! In shape, nicely dressed, and just standing on the corner. He turned to me and said

"Hey, what are you looking to get into tonight"?

I said "Excuse me"

He said " Hey man, I'm just trying to make some money"!

And my crazy butt, intrigued, decided to have a conversation with the young man. Asking questions like how long have you been doing this? Why are you out here on the streets? How much money do you make? etc. WOW, I have learned so much in one evening. I think he got bored with my 20 questions and he left!!!! But left in a nice manner, he said "it was really nice to meet you", and shook my hand. Then just walked to the next block!

I wanted to proposition the young kid, and say If I give you a hundred bucks would you get off these streets. But I knew that wouldn't work. He would take my money, go home, and I would see him on the same corner tomorrow night. I wanted to scream and yell at him like a concerned parent, but that would have been a disater as well. I stood there, like a dork, trying to give him options..I think my dumb booty even mentioned McDonalds!

When he left, I stood on the corner (Probably looking like a prostitute my self) just pondering this in my head. Then I finally left the corner, walking the streets sad, and scared for him. So young, and capable of so many things. Not strung out or even drunk. Just a nice looking kid. That could be an actor (like me), a model, a doctor, a teacher, the world he could have in his hands. He choose a different road, and it saddens me!!! I'm sure he is doing what he thinks he has to do, just to survive the streets. He said to me "It's better than being a thief or selling drugs"! That was his mentality, and he was so intelligent! I can't imagine how many more kids are out there just like him.......WOW!!!!!

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