Friday, June 26, 2009


I'm 12 years old, on the side of the arena, but five rows from the stage. I have my hair, big and curly, gooey, from all the curl activator I put in it! I was wearing, black jeans, white socks that sparkled, a white sparkly glove, and a red jacket with zippers all over it. I remember it like it was yesterday. I was in the stands, waiting quietly and patient. Everyone screaming in anticipation around me. SMOKE and a big Bang! On stage right in front of my eyes are five Michael Jackson look a likes. Everyone is going crazy, and right through the middle, he jumps in with flair! He commands that stage like no one in the world will ever be able to do. He flicks his long hair back, jumps onto both of his toes, and spins. I feel a sensation in my chest, at young age, thinking I'm going to be just like him. He runs to the mic, and starts to sing, in this high pitched voice. Like a little girl I start to scream! Excitement racing in my belly. He walks over stage right, and glares right into my eyes. I see him, and he See's me (so I think), I lean over to my mom, "He is looking right at me"! It is the King of Pop, Michael Jackson, my third concert in my life, after New Edition and Teanna Maria being the first two. From that moment on, I was hooked, and he was my idol forever!

Michael Jackson's death was hard on me, and I think even harder than I thought! I used to think to myself, why are people so crazy over Elvis, Princess Diana, etc. They don't know them, personally. Now I get it, you don't have to know them, cause in some way the thing they have done to there lives, through artistry, and passion is something that you can never get back. Your thankful, you respect them, and they molded your childhood with dreams, inspiration, passion, and just plain entertainment. I hear a Michael Jackson song from each album, and it takes me to a different memory or place in my life. I love that music can do that for a person. To watch an entertainer like him, devour the stage, sweating, dancing, living, entertaining, and pouring his soul into his music. UGh, this genius will be missed. I can honestly say if we didn't have a Michael Jackson, there would be a 90% chance that I wouldn't be a performer today. That man, has inspired me, musically, vocally, and as a dancer. To lose my idol at such a young age, is tragedy, and a miserable day I will never forget!

This past month has been about death for me, so I think that also plays a part on how hard I'm taking everything! Now with my friends Matt, and Scott dead at such a young age. We have Michael Jackson, Farah Fawcett, and Ed McMahon! This is just too much for me!

I had a dream, growing up, I thought, and believed in my heart it would come true. I just knew I would meet Michael Jackson one day. I knew one day, he would come to a show I was in. Or I would meet him on the streets. Better yet, I would work with him! It saddens me that this dream will never come true. Until my next life in heaven! I just know, that last night there was a beautiful concert up in heaven, Farah was doing a monologue, while Ed introduced her in a funny way, and Michael just got up there and sang, while they all rejoiced and dance. Matt and Scott, got to be there too. With that thought in my head, everything is alright!


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