Friday, June 5, 2009


I have OCD, but I don't think it is terrible! Does that mean I'm crazy? Do I need drugs or a pill? I like having OCD, a little, it keeps me responsible, and tidy!!!!!

I make sure the towels are straight in the bathroom.

I turn around everything in the fridge to make sure, the label is pointing towards me.

I might walk half way out of the hotel, and on to the street, to walk back up the elevator/stairs to make sure my stove or iron is turned off.

I check my pockets alot to figure out if my wallet is still in tact.

I might see something I love on you tube, watch it a bunch of times. Come back from the gym re watch it again. Post it to my facebook. Send it to a couple of friends. Do the show, come home and watch it a couple more times. Wake up the next morning and watch it again.

I love Beyonce's song "Scared of Lonely", and I will listen to it over and over again, if it comes on my gym mix of my ipod. (What??? it is my theme song this year LOL).

If I get a text or an email on my phone, I have to make sure they are deleted after I read them. I hate a messy inbox. I delete everything even from my facebook. No Old Mail For Me.

I'm becoming obsessed with blogging!

OCD, OCD, I don't think it is that bad?

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