Sunday, June 7, 2009

Watching From The Wings

There I sit on the side of the stage left. Behind the big black curtain. Trying not to distract my fellow cast mates on stage. In stillness, watching from the wing! Inspired, by the talent on the stage. Sometimes I forget how gifted the people are I work with, being around them like family for a year. Tonight, to sit back, and watch, and see those legs kick there faces. There backs bend lower, than ever! There connection to these amazing characters. Looking into there eyes, and past there soul, as they speak, and touch the audience. There voices lifted and belting to the back of the house, and even out onto the streets. Talent pouring out of there pours. Oh man, it is an awesome sight to see. I'm in there presence, and get to work with some gifted folks. That is a gift I will treasure, and will take with me forever! Sometimes, I search high and low, for inspiration, and it is right there in front of me 8 shows a week. Being a part of a project, and a show so awesome, is easy to take for granted. When I get over it, and don't want to work. When I'm not inspired anymore, and I'm feeling low. My new found secret is to watch, and wait in the wing, it will bring me back to where I'm supposed to be.

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