Monday, June 22, 2009


I know, I keep so many things bottled up inside, and sometimes I need to release them. No one probably even knows what I'm truly thinking when I'm in a "Mood Swing", they probably think I'm just crazy! Life happens, which triggers something inside me, that makes me quiet. Sometimes being silent, scares people, and they don't know what to do around you. I just need space and air, usually there is something wrong. I have never been the type to express it right away. I'm going to write briefly about what I have been going through, because I feel the need to let it out!

About a month ago, my friend, and fellow actor Mathew Thibedeau passed away to a better place. He was only 35, years old, and has been sick for 3 years. He was fighting the fight, and staying so positive on facebook, with his funny comments on my page. He was an awesome and amazing guy. I went to Boston Conservatory with him, and also did Jesus Christ Superstar at TUTS with Matt. He had an amazing energy, and was always inspiring about your art, and career path. Not a selfish bone in his body. Matt was a ford model, did soaps, and sunset boulevard! Anyway, I took this very hard, and it took me awhile to get out of my funk! So young, so talented, and so so so amazing. Matt my friend RIP, I love you, and know you are in a better place.

Last night I was on for the role of Larry in "A Chorus Line", and I decided to check my email. In my email, it said another friend I knew past on to be with the lord. I panicked, "Oh No this can't be happening again". My friend T. Scott Cunningham, who I did "Mamma Mia" , with in Vegas, had passed away. Man, I haven't seen Scott since Mamma Mia. I had no idea he was even ill. He was a funny--funny guy. Who every one loved around the theater. He had an extraordinary resume, many, many, Broadway Plays. Tons of T.V. and film. He had blessed my life with his pressence, energy, and spirit! RIP Scott!!!!!

Life is short, is a cliche, nevertheless, it is a cliche for a reason! RIP my friends!!!!!!

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