Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Who Am I Anyway?

I started my class for advanced film acting last night, and the first class was so exciting and thrilling! As someone who lucked out, in some very small roles, in film/soap/t.v., however I have never studied this medium. My teacher is awesome as he is teaching the class as an accomplish director, who has produced, directed, many films and t.v. shows. His knowledge, passion, and love for the film art form was more than displayed on the first day of class. I learned a ton already on the first day of class, and can't wait to grow more as a film actor in the next eight weeks. The class is cool, he said you will never have homework, or wheeling a trunk full of props and clothes around with you through the streets of New York. After doing this a million times, in my conservatory acting class at T.Schrieber. This news was the most awesome thing, a studying actor could receive. The class consists of getting film/T.V. copy from a produced movie or series, and he will "type" cast you with scenes that he thinks is appropriate for you. Then you leave the class with your scene partner, going in the hall or next door to the coffee shop, and finally coming back upstairs with the copy memorized. Then he blocks your scene, and films/directs you, as he films you in three different shots; the close up, the over the shoulder, and finally the full wide/straight lens shot. You will get to feel like you are on the set, in your trailer memorizing copy, and coming up to work, just like a film day is in real life. Then the horrifying part, you have to watch yourself, and be scrutinized. Which is hard for me, cause to me I look fat, I hate what I'm wearing, my skin looks bad, eeeww is that how I speak, LOL, well needless to say, I became very self critical. Which is awesome, because I can do nothing but grow, and figure out what works for me on film. The great thing he said I would learn is who I am as a film actor, and find out what "type" I am, and what is my niche in this crazy genre of acting. I have always been searching for my niche, what am I, who am I, what do I do best, how can I market myself, what do I bring to the table, what is my type? I am thrilled to find out what all this is at the end of this class!!

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