Saturday, March 13, 2010

Food Diary

My personal trainer wants me to keep a food diary, and I'm dreading it! The last time I did this I was in college, and my teacher told me if I continued eating the way I did, I would be dead by the time I was 30! I know most people are thinking, J.R. you are so in shape! However, in shape doesn't equal, eating well, most of it is genes, metabolism, and the fact that I dance/workout all the time. I will say that I do sort of eat well, (it depends on the period of life), so I probably shouldn't be so fearful. I know I definitely eat better than the college years. It is an interesting concept eating, because growing up in a poor African American family, I was never taught how to eat. We went to McDonald's, and ate what ever we can afford at the time. I didn't learn about health, nutrition, any of that stuff until a later date. I thought a pop tart for breakfast, and McDonald's for lunch, and then a slice of pizza for dinner, was OK! My finances were very happy after those cheap meals! Now that I'm older, I do have a diet, ex specially because I do care about my life. However, I do tend to fall off it, and it is more with chocolate then food! I know my love, obsession, and lust for chocolate is summed up in two words "stress eating"! Well, here I go with my food diary, it will be interesting to see what I learn about my eating habits this time around.

Check out my trainers blog on health, nutrition, and working out! He really is intense, and full of knowledge:

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