Friday, March 26, 2010

The Most Fun On Broadway

Today I went to see a musical on Broadway, and was astonished by what I saw on stage tonight! I went to see the new Broadway musical Fela, and I want to see it again, and again, and again! This show was so amazing, and I felt like I was apart of there world, and was there in the piece with them. I danced, I stomped my feet, I sang, I laughed, I yelled, and most of all had a transforming theatrical experience. There is no musical out there, like this one, it was so clever, different, and fun! One of the major highlights of the show is the choreography, it was extraordinary! I have never seen dancers, dance with so much passion, heart, energy, and soul. I was mesmerized by every step, and amazed by there energy. I had a sense while watching the show that everyone enjoyed being up there on The Broadway Stage, which is rare in this day and age of "marking it" on Broadway! I was exposed to so much talent, and was happy to be in it's presence! I saw the actor Kevin Mambo play the role of Fela, and was so impressed by his performance. His acting was A+, and I'm so blessed to have experienced this evening! Go see FELA asap!

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