Monday, March 8, 2010

Acting Acting Acting

There is a feeling like no other, when you can hear a pin drop in the audience, when you can feel the energy from the audience serge into your body! When you are so connected, that you don't even know who you are, anymore! When you finish, and you have no idea how you did, because you gave yourself over to the character, and became someone else! My six week conservatory class is now over. Now I move onto a 8 week, film class that meets once a week in the evenings. A much more relaxed schedule, so I can audition, and have a life again! However, this post is about my six week conservatory class, at T. Schreiber Studios here in New York City!

I learned a ton about myself, my craft, my ego, my fears, my loves, techniques, friends, touch, and many other things. I will say that some of the course was a re-learning tool for me, because I have had so much experience, that some of it was basic one on one knowledge. I will give you my, opinion, on my experience by course description.

1. Body Dynamics; This course bored me to tears, because of many years of dance. Some actors, were discovering there body, and how different things felt to them. My body is numb, because I have been using it since I was eight! The teacher was older, and believed in a ton of eastern philosophies. Cause she was older, she had a problem with speaking to people like they are children. My biggest pet peeve is to be talked to like a child. That already put a damp mood on our relationship. She also was teaching things, that as a dancer, you have to warm up to, because it can cause major KNEE problems. I refused to do this to my body, and I think she despised me for that. I missed a couple of her classes, for the record, not because I hate her class, however, because of personal things I had to take care of. That didn't go well for her, this class, was a struggle for me. The positive, was the work we did with two little balls, was amazing, and was on the line of physical therapy. I also learned even more about myself, I HATE STRANGERS TO TOUCH ME! This is something I knew, but now I really know it! I have many trust issues with strangers, so therefore, only a hand full of classmates I would let touch me. I know I am weird!

2. Vocal Production: I actually liked this class, although, it can get boring listening to folks work on there speech. I came out with much better breathe support from this class. I also learned how much I hold my breathe throughout a day. I also learned again, how lazy my stupid tongue is, and I have to work harder in that area. Lastly, I came out of this class, with the full knowledge that I SUCK AT SHAKESPEARE! It makes no sense to me, and I just don't get it. Well, I guess this area is something I need to work on, because I do like to watch Shakespeare on stage, and would love to do some of his works.

3. The acting portion of my class, was my favorite portion of the conservatory. I might have seemed bored, if you saw me in the back of class, on my phone, or facebook. LOL However, I wasn't, and I was actually listening! I enjoyed watching my classmates, work, fail, grow, and make some miraculous choices. I enjoyed feeling like I can be in a safe environment, try new things, fall flat on my ass, and figure out how to get my big booty back up. I came out with a better understanding of the Meisner Technique, which was interesting, because all my life I was trained with the Strasberg style of acting. Which sometimes can seem so heady, and very method. I am now convinced on working moment to moment, and living in the now in the scene. I started out in the class resisting this technique, and now I don't want to leave it. However, I will continue with my Strasberg work, but I will definitely keep the Meisner thing with me!

The best part was the people I met, and the new friends, with so much talent, that I can't wait to see all of there futures. LOVE!

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