Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Evil Environmentalist!

Brewster and I were taking a walk in this beautiful weather, minding our own business, and out jumps a middle aged man with funny facial hair, big gut, and a hat! "YOU ARE KILLING THAT POOR TREE WITH YOUR DOGS URINE", "SHAME ON YOU", "SHAME ON YOU"! "I'm sorry sir, I didn't know that dog urine would kill this big old tree that has been here for many years" I said! "Of COURSE YOU DON'T KNOW, YOU ARE A TERRORIST, AND YOUR DOG IS EVIL" he said! "LEARN ABOUT YOUR SURROUNDINGS AND THE PRECIOUS THINGS AROUND YOU IDIOT" he kept screaming! OK now, my friends, you all know I'm willing to learn, and wouldn't have taken this lightly if the man was nice. However, he had a huge attitude and was yelling. Which caused me to go a little crazy, and curse the man out on the street. Yes I once again snapped, and made Brewster pee on every tree right in front of the man, while he was yelling! I think I ended the conversation by saying something like this "the next time I'm going to have my dog pee on you, maybe that will save the environment"!

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