Sunday, February 7, 2010

To Be Young Gifted and Black

I watched the BET honors tonight, I had to tivo them, because I missed the show when it aired! I also not so long ago watched The BET Gospel Celebration. During both telecasts, my mind became clear, and inspired. I felt an surge inside of me, a happiness, and a spirit that shook my body, and took a hold of me. A connection to a people, that I sometimes feel so much disconnect with. It is a gift from GOD, to be an African American male. People try to make me something I'm not, because of my skin color, hair and look. J.R. Whittington is an African American, proud to claim it and shout it from the roof tops! I felt joy, and a ball of happiness tonight, in my heritage, and where I come from. Yes, people may try to put me down, but I love who I am! A connection to my culture, has tugged at my heart. Watching P Diddy, yes I said P. Diddy, speech on The BET Honors, reminded me so much of who I am, and where I come from. If you get a chance to "you tube" it, please do so. Watching Black Folks, dancing in the audience, idols singing there hearts out, families uniting, folks acting a fool, tears in there eyes, love spread all around, laughter, beautiful spread noses, nice pink full lips, many complexions, afros, braids, short hair, long, pride, joy, happiness! This blog entry is to just a simple shout out to the world, THAT I AM YOUNG GIFTED AND BLACK, AND PROUD OF IT!

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